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Why are you recommending exercise for my condition? I thought medication would be enough.

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 14, 2018 more
Exercise releases endorphins which help to lift our mood naturally. Medications may help with pain management or regulating aspects of conditions etc but exercise allows your body a natural way to relieve stress and produce those feel good hormones which are beneficial
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 20, 2021 more
Undertaking regular exercise is very important for our mental and physical well-being. Every time we exercise, endorphins in our brain are released which gives us increased physically energy and also lifts our mood. Daily exercise can help us think more clearly and help put ourselves in a positive mindset. Thinking more clearly and feeling more positive can help can enable us to feel more able to manage issues we are facing. If you aren’t physically active, perhaps try and get out for a short walk once a day and see the difference it makes. Exercise improves mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood and by improving self-esteem and cognitive function.
Profile: spiritualbalrog
spiritualbalrog on Dec 28, 2021 more
Often times, our head, heart, and body become disconnected. There is great research out now about how the body remembers. In particular the body remembers trauma. Exercise is a great way to get in touch, and to begin to connect with our bodies again. Physical exhaustion also has a way of calming the thoughts a slowing down the mind. being physically exhausted can help put a person beyond the reach of anxiety. It gives one's heart and body a chance to catch up with the mind. Also, exercise helps one sleep better which recharges the spirit. Exercise also releases endorphins, which help us naturally feel better and this helps to create better self-esteem and positive feelings about oneself.
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