How do I independently motivate myself?
Apr 28, 2018 more
Through targets & goals. Set targets and keep tracking them with papers or computer (excel maybe).
Each achievement you do or that gets you closer to your goal write it down, so you can count at the end the achievements you've done.
May 12, 2018 more
-- Self care is so important. There is a difference between vanity and taking care of your self. When you feel good, you will feel better and go throughout the day feeling that much better.
-- Planners + Calendars= Goals. Use these to independently motivate yourself by writing down events, keeping track of homework or meetings at work, and even tracking things like weight or money you are earning.
-- Be realistic. Set small goals along the way, that are easier to check off the list and give you a sense of accomplishment while you are working towards a bigger goal. Being realistic means you are also setting aside time for things like breaks, sleep, and activities you enjoy.
-- Don't forget to ask for help either. Asking for a small favor or help with something gives yourself more time to do the things you need to get done.
May 18, 2018 more
Write a list of your goals and aims - short term and long term, then a list of small steps you need to do to achieve these goals. Give yourself rewards. Use visual stimulus, like pictures, to help remind you of what you want.
Jun 15, 2018 more
Look for inspiration. There always needs to be a reason for action, always, no exception to this rule. Weather it is to feel good or to get away from feeling bad there is reason to each and every individual action. Inaction is either a result of no reason to take action or because you don't want to feel bad because of an action you take. Get to know yourself more and know the reasons for your actions to really find some inspiration. You can also try getting yourself unstuck so you don't feel bad for taking certain actions. Example: I want to do more things for myself. (self love is the reason) But I'm afraid that I will be selfish. (being selfish is the reason I'm stuck and taking inaction). To get unstuck in this situation you will have to realize that in fact self love and selfishness are two completely different things. One is independent of the other.
Jun 16, 2018 more
Keeping goal journals or dream boards are great! Finding people you look up to will also motivate you.
Jun 21, 2018 more
To independently motivate yourself, you should have goals. After each goal, having an award can modivate you to achieve that goal.
Jul 21, 2018 more
I set goals and I will make plans on how to achieve them. So it's like planning my own route to success that rewards me at every step :)
Jul 25, 2018 more
Generate a plan for yourself, with a variety of activities. Note to not set goals or plans that are hard to achieve as this might de-motivate yourself instead.
Jul 29, 2018 more
Think about a goal, any goal and think about how much better you'd feel or the benefits you'd have from completing that goal. Remind yourself every morning, set a reminder on your phone and dedicate 10-30 minutes each day getting closer to completing that task! Motivation takes time and if you keep the end goal in your sights, you'll be there in no time!
Aug 9, 2018 more
Think about what it is you’re trying to accomplish! (Example) If you’re trying to eat healthy, think about how much better you’ll feel once you cut out junk food! Set goals for yourself, but do make them attainable especially at first! Remember: even small accomplishments can be big deals. Don’t compare what you have or haven’t done to others. You are yourself!
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