How do I independently motivate myself?
Mar 17, 2017 more
A small but significant initiative can be taken, by setting small targets or goals to achieve, On achieving one goal, reward yourself with something you love to indulge in, it serves as a motivation ,for making efforts to achieve next bigger goal, Reading some inspirational books, once in a while, is another way to instill motivation within oneself, The most important thing is positive self talk, keep saying nice and encouraging phrases to yourself in your mind. We listen to ourselves, and what we say to ourself, affect our feelings and actions. These are some of the ways to motivate yourself independently.
Mar 29, 2017 more
I motivate myself trough looking what I want to achieve in the future. I want to make a better future for everyone, but I'll know it needs effort.
May 21, 2017 more
I personally have an inclination to reading informative and educative articles online and from printed media. If I feel more curious and / or stuck in a situation, I happen to have a real, meaningful and insightful conversations with any of closest amongst family and friends. Alongside, I must admit 7 Cups of tea and many online resources have really been helpful whenever I have not found anyone in the real world to interact with.
Jul 1, 2017 more
You can find a specific thing you want to change or a goal you want to achieve, then set a time frame or a result/place you want to get to. then each day do something towards achieving it, giving yourself regular rewards. but remember to keep track of your progress.
Aug 19, 2017 more
That's a great question, and I say that because most people seek motivation externally. The fact that you aim on cultivating it internally is a huge plus. I think what you need to focus on is being better everyday and working towards your desired goals by learning from yesterday's mistakes, applying them in the present and working towards a better future. This cycle starts with a few goals and a lot of conviction, in time I believe you'd become habitual to taking small steps daily ! Good luck
Sep 24, 2017 more
Find your goal, what you do that thing for! Keep that thing in mind, and don't lose it! Sometimes its really hard to do that. everyone has to come to a time, when he/she is tired of the hardwork. It's natural. Maybe you can skip 1-2 days of your exercise, have a beer with friends or whatever, that's ok. But don't lose focus for much time! Say yourself: I CAN do it, because I WANT to do it!
It often helps if you watch back, what you've already accomplished. Also do that sometimes!
Sometimes a short motivation video might help too. Not every day, 'cause in that case it loses its power.
Take care, I know you'll make it! :)
Nov 20, 2017 more
First it is very important that you know yourself very well, thus knowing what types of things will work with you and which won't. Reading books, looking for online websites and exercising at home are all great things you can do on your own to motivate yourself.
Dec 6, 2017 more
I push myself to do task which I am not interested in. Keeping in mind I need to take care of myself and have to do good in life. I exercise regularly and try to eat home made healthy food.
Dec 9, 2017 more
Sometimes motivation is easily lost when too big a bite (goal) is taken in one view. I find it best to separate things as needed into smaller, more manageable steps. Writing them down, allowing you to check off each as you go along, is quite satisfying. The number and size of steps can vary per a person and that is perfectly fine. With each step succeeded, a sense of accomplishment should be felt with a burst of motivation to climb for the next.
Jan 3, 2018 more
listen to encouraging music, or make your own mantra that you can actually follow to and abide to it
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