How do I independently motivate myself?
Aug 3, 2016 more
Set personal goals around things you enjoy. Be them long-term or short-term, once you start seeing some progress, you'll feel better (you can do some exercise, improve your eating habits, learn a new language, it's up to you!).
Aug 7, 2016 more
1.make your Goals . complete them
2. decide what do you want to look like in next 5 years
3 Effective time management will help you lot
4. learn new thing as possible
5. make your own sources so you dont have to depend on others
Aug 20, 2016 more
You can stare yourself in the mirror and give yourself a 'Brave Heart' pump up speech or even write encouraging message on post-its that you leave around the house for yourself. There are heaps of motivational videos on Youtube as well as awesome happy songs that make you get up and dance around the house. Make a to-do list for your life and pin it up somewhere where you will see it everyday. Give yourself a reason to get out of bed every morning and work towards your ultimate goal in life. The road may be difficult and filled with challenges, no body said it would be easy, just that it would be worth it!
Aug 21, 2016 more
Set yourself little goals, to eventually reach a bigger goal, keep at it and do these things regularly along with your natural routine, even if it's just getting out of bed, then brushing your teeth, set goals along the way, over time it comes naturally but goals are helpful when trying to focus and get motivated, don't forget to reward yourself when you have achieved a goal!
Aug 21, 2016 more
You have to set goals! It's as simple as that. If you're not giving yourself any specific target, you're not truly going to challenge yourself and you won't become any more resilient. Achieving goals that you had to work hard for is one of the most rewarding things for an athlete. Make sure the goals you set are: attainable, realistic, time-specific (give yourself a deadline to meet the goal), and direct (be specific with your goal and focus on it).
Aug 21, 2016 more
#maintain a notebook with monthly or weekly aims
#maintain a regular fixed routine
#reach the checkpoints and reward yourself
#fix a phrase that reminds you to get back in track if you get distracted.
#dont be too hard on yourself if you miss the checkpoint. but be careful next time
#quit procastinating
Aug 25, 2016 more
Self talk is amazing, talk to yourself and make it a challenge or a fun game, use words that make you feel empowered, YES,YOU CAN!
Aug 31, 2016 more
I independently motivate myself by saying my prayers first thing in the morning, then taking a fast past walk while enjoying all the wonder things around me.
Sep 1, 2016 more
Find something that you are really passionate about. It's easy to be motivated when you like what your doing. However, especially with school and such, that is not usually the case. My motivation generally comes from my results when I put a lot of effort into something. I like feeling good about myself and doing well on work, so that motivates me to do well. Also, when I do perform poorly, it motivates me to be better next time.
Sep 2, 2016 more
Listening to inspiring music and setting a goal and figuring out to get there step by step, nothing big can happen in a day, remember that.
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