How do I convince my over-protective parents to let me exercise?
Dec 8, 2017 more
Whenever someone who cares for you thinks something is wrong for you, there are two possibilities. Either they don't have all the facts (you can provide more) or they know better (and maybe you should believe them)? Maybe a respectful conversation would help you understand each other better?
Dec 15, 2017 more
I am a parent who did not let my sons lift weights when they were young. Once they were older teens then I felt it was ok. Maybe your parents are opposed to specific activities not overall exercise. They may be ok with Zumba but not weight lifting. There are many physical activities to stay in shape that don't seem like exercise nor require a gym. Maybe they would let you take a dance class or join a sport or even play a sport with friends. Maybe bike riding or swimming. All wonderful fitness activities that many don't perceive as exercise.
Dec 21, 2017 more
Best way is to explain to them how important it is and see there point of you but also try to make them also see your point of you maybe by explaining that health is very important
Jan 14, 2018 more
Talk them into speaking to a proffessional trainer. Maybe they don't want you to overexercise or they just don't know how good exercise might be for you. Someone educated in the domain should be able to help you both.
Feb 16, 2018 more
say you can burn some calorise or lose some pounds. you can exercise with them! you can run, hike, even ride a bike.
Feb 23, 2018 more
Start by telling them about the benefits of exercising regularly AND the health risks of not exercising. Demonstrate to them that you know how to avoid injuries while exercising.
Apr 1, 2018 more
Tell them you wanna be healthy and live a healthy life-style. Exercising is extremely good for you try to explain that to them.
Apr 9, 2018 more
Exercise is good for your health. Provide reasons why it is important to stay physically active.
Apr 13, 2018 more
Tell them the benefits of exercise, and tell them the problems that may occur if you don’t exercise. The positives far outweigh the negatives.
Apr 25, 2018 more
Power Point presentation all the way on all the benefits it's proven to have! Even suggest They tag along maybe?
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