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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 16, 2015 more
Sometimes after long periods of going without food your immune system gets used to less food so when you beging to try to eat again your body rejects it with can cause you to throw up or just be full sooner so you might consider trying eating smaller portions it may help that's what I had to do
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Profile: Pandette
Pandette on May 4, 2015
Eating Disorders Expert more
Honestly, there can be a wide variety of reasons why you aren't able to eat as much as you used to. It can be as simple as your hunger has subsided, or to the opposite end of the spectrum (depression). You can try to think about what is potentially causing this to happen. Try to think back to when it began and go from there!
Profile: b3ll3
b3ll3 on Sep 24, 2016
Eating Disorders Expert more
When you only eat a small amount frequently over a long period of time your metabolism can be affected and / or your stomach shrinks. This happened to me, by eating gradually larger amounts your stomach will eventually become larger again and your metabolism grow
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 26, 2015 more
Maybe your brain is struggling against something and it doesn't working properly. That's why you don't feel hungry.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 17, 2015 more
Sometimes you can subconsciously develop an eating disorder without even knowing or wanting to. These types of eating disorders are generally associated with current or remembered traumatic events. The best way to figure out what caused your level of eating to diminish is by consulting a professional therapist.
Profile: AnimeGeek02
AnimeGeek02 on Nov 10, 2016
Eating Disorders Expert more
Many things cause this, such as stress, anxiety, and depression. I suggest seeking a doctor's help..
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 27, 2016 more
your stomach may have shrunk, from eating less than you usually had, resulting in you now being able too eat less in general.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 1, 2016 more
You may have been eating less recently, so your stomach might have shrunk. If you have't been feeling hungry, you obviously will have eaten less than normal, so you can't expect your stomach to be able to be the exactly the way it was before.
Profile: smoltimes
smoltimes on Oct 16, 2016 more
As we age our bodies slow down, we are no longer kids, we no longer burn so many calories and do so many things. our metabolisms slow down as we age, its completely normal, just try and balance what you eat with exercise and you should be good
Profile: PrincessDove13
PrincessDove13 on Nov 14, 2016 more
If you have starved yourself before or just simply didn't eat as much, your stomach may have tightened a bit. When we eat lots of food, over time if we overeat our bodies get used to it and can handle the food without feeling pain. And for not eating as much food, our body learns that and so it learns to accept a smaller ammount.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 1, 2016 more
There can be loads of reasons for loss of appetite. You might not be well physically or mentally. It's okay if sometimes you don't feel like eating much. If it persists then it will be helpful to find out what has been troubling you.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 1, 2017 more
This could be caused by many different reasons. If you are anxious/despressed, your appetite may decrease. This could happen too if you are recovering from an eating disorder. Or perhaps this could be from another underlying health condition, so is important to make an appointment soon with your doctor about this.
Profile: Marissa2163
Marissa2163 on Aug 12, 2017 more
This can happen from losing weight and your stomach can not hold as much food anymore. A lot of the time if you have high anxiety your brain will consciously forget about eating and make food seem unappealing.
Profile: Greatlistener87
Greatlistener87 on Nov 6, 2015 more
Appetite really depends on your body functions. If you are a person who takes medications then lost of appetite can be caused by the side effects of that medication. If you gain weight faster than you used to then you will loss appetite as well.
Profile: OneMomentInHerPresence
OneMomentInHerPresence on Apr 27, 2018 more
If you have been eating less your stomach gets used to it and it gets smaller so when you try to eat more food it is harder. Also if you have been excercizing less then you burn less of the calories from the food and as a result are usually less hungry.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 9, 2017 more
i think you have anxiety or depression i used to have the struggle with that too remember to breathe
Profile: victoriousYellow32
victoriousYellow32 on Nov 5, 2016 more
If you once started to eat less your stomach started to shrink, you cam build up to eat more by adding small porportions! I hope this answer helped you.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 15, 2016 more
Do you feel a loss of appetite? That sounds like a medical problem that needs to be checked out ! Also if it's more like you don't want to eat because you have feelings associated with food or think that you are fat (perceive your body that way) and that's why you don't want to eat.. then that hints at an eating disorder in it's nascent stages. It would be best to get medical attention ASAP.
Profile: Altkittykay19
Altkittykay19 on Oct 27, 2016 more
It's most likely that your metabolism as well as the amount of physical activity you participate in have changed.
Profile: Fwalk4
Fwalk4 on Mar 10, 2017 more
Maybe you are in a stressful time period of your life. If you are starving yourself this is not healthy. Talk to some body right away and tell them how you are feeling. If you are truly not hungry then talk to your doctor about what is going on.
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