Is it possible to have a binge eating disorder but still be skinny?
Oct 30, 2019 more
Definitely. Eating disorders are what they say - EATING disorders, not weight disorders. There are people who are anorexic/bulimic yet very over weight, just like there are very underweight people with binge eating disorders. There is so size requirement or specific boxes you need to tick to have the disorder, and it's a very toxic view that society imposes on us that anorexic people can only be anorexic if they're dangerously skinny or the other way around. Your disorder and your issues are just as valid as anyone elses no matter what you look like or whether people think you're not skinny/big enough.
Nov 16, 2019 more
Yes, it is possible to have a binge eating disorder and still be skinny. There might be excessive excel use or vomiting involved to help the body get rid of the extra calories. Co-occurring disorder isn’t what they call it I believe. There are questionnaires available all over the internet to help “self diagnose†but in the long run I believe that speaking with a therapist about these issues to get the help that you need. Sometimes there is a medical reason why the person is not overweight after binging, sometimes it is just that the body has been starved for so long before that it can’t gain weight if you only binge once a week but burn 1000 calories a day or only consume (insert unhealthy amount of calories here) calories the other days. Sometimes the person who binges also purges, there are a few reasons why I skinny person could have a binge disorder.
Nov 29, 2019 more
Absolutely. Gaining and losing weight is affected by how and what we eat, for sure, but our metabolism plays a crucial role here too.
People with slow metabolisms may gain weight much faster than those with a faster metabolism. And the same goes for losing weight! if your metabolism is really fast you'll have no problem with weight loss. Why? Well, a faster metabolism means that more calories are burned in a day.
This is all fantastic, I know, but don't let it fool you. Being skinny doesn't mean you are healthy, and being fat doesn't mean you are about to have a heart attack.
We should always pay close attention to our eating habits. Remember that weight is not always related to health.
Dec 8, 2019 more
yes! eating disorders are not body types, so a person can suffer from binge eating disorder and still look "skinny", in the same way a person can suffer from a restrictive eating disorder like anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa and not look "skinny". All eating disorders can take on any shape or size, so often suffers are told that they "don't look like they have X". You do not need to be a certain size or weight to have an eating disorder, so please do not think your struggles are fake or invalid. I promise they aren't.
I have a lot of experience with eating disorders and disordered eating, so feel free to reach out to me!
Look after yourself, Emi.
Dec 13, 2019 more
It is absolutely possibly to have a binge eating disorder but still be thin. I used to have a binge eating disorder when I was in high school, but I only weighed 120 pounds at 5 '5 because I ran cross country. I definitely do not advocate for purging behaviors or excessive exercise, but I just wanted to shed light on the fact that it is possible for someone who is thin to have the disorder. I knew I had the disorder because I would go through bouts of eating 2000+ calories in one sitting, then proceed to feel guilty about it and try to "compensate". But my therapist absolutely helped!
Dec 22, 2019 more
Well yes it is completely possible, I can say for sure from my personal experience and from friends who have gone thru the same thing, the more you eat the skinnier you get it seems, so you eat more, personally I have to deal with stress but until confronted nothing changed, one should then reach for help, I did(to a friend not here) and realized eating was a coping mechanism, it isn't eazy to get out of, and it is not hard aswell, it is conflicting if one is stressing about not being round enough but there are other fizical factors to take into account too like, smoking, sport, sleep. So yes it can happen to anyone
Jan 10, 2020 more
Absolutely. Many people, especially younger people, have fast metabolisms which will cause them to digest food and essentially "throw away" calories before the body can use them. Your metabolism will slow down with age, which is why many adults tend to gain weight despite eating healthy and exercising consistently. While it is possible to have a binge eating disorder and still be skinny, if your daily caloric intake continuously exceeds how many calories your body burns in a day, you will inevitably gain weight. In addition to this, many binge eating disorders also come with purging, which would prevent your body from absorbing the calories and other nutrients it would normally get from food. This could also prevent weight gain because you would be depriving the body of the calories it needs.
Jan 17, 2020 more
In medicine everything is possible. If you have got untreated celiac disease your intestinal villi is damaged and absorption of nutrients is poor and it means that you can binge eat without becoming overweight or obese. It therefore means that it is possible to have a binge eating disorder but still be skinny. Also other conditions can cause that someone binge eats (due to binge eating disorder) and is still skinny. There are also mixed eating disorders where someone with for example binge eating disorder has some symptoms of another eating disorder, purging for example. If someone purges after binge eating, they can still be skinny.
Mar 27, 2020 more
Yes, this is very possible and often times the case. Mant time people have binge eating disorders and couple that with bulimia. If you have bulimia and a binge eating disorder then it is more than likely that you will remain skinny. I can speak on this out of personal experience as I used to be a binge eater and I would eat large amounts of food all at once, whether it was because I was hungry or not. However, because I was also bulimic I managed to remain skinny. I have learned that neither a binge eating disorder nor bulimia is healthy and if you have it, it is highly recommended that you seek professional help.
Jun 14, 2020 more
Yes! 100% yes. You can be underweight, normal weight, or overweight and have a binge eating disorder. Just like you can be underweight, normal weight and overweight and have a restrictive type of eating disorder too. Eating disorders are mental health issues and they take place in the brain and can develop overtime no matter what shape you are.
I've delt with a binge eating disorder and I am big.
I've also delt with restricting, purging, fasting, and over exercising and again, I'm big. Any person no matter what shape, color, height or race can suffer with a binge eating disorder.
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