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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 14, 2015 more
Being a gymaholiccan make you feel more guilty about eating something you are not supposed to eat. Which makes you feel depressed . and when you get depressed you eat more (binge eating or bulimia ) , or you don't eat anything at all ( anorexia ) . either ways you are hurting your body .
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Profile: 1997Turtle
1997Turtle on May 11, 2015 more
it can be, yes. i know someone that has bulimia but instead of purging he over excersises.
Profile: comfortableBeauty28
comfortableBeauty28 on Jun 9, 2015 more
Yes. Being obsessed with exercise and burning calories is related to having an eating disorder. It is related because you are obsessing about how much you have eaten and how much you are burning.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 18, 2015 more
Yes, eating disorders are often a way of stress or anxiety relief, to gain some more control over your life, just like excessive training.
Profile: Dansv99
Dansv99 on Nov 16, 2015 more
Yes. Being obsessed with exercise and burning calories is related to having an eating disorder. It is related because you are obsessing about how much you have eaten and how much you are burning.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 2, 2015 more
This depends on your intentions. If you are going to the gym to lose weight and are obsessed with body image this would indicate an eating disorder. However if you are going to the gym as a hobby, personal interest or to better your health it is most likely just a strong passion for fitness.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 4, 2016 more
Only if you are exercising in conjunction with disordered eating. If you're starving yourself while exercising a lot, then yes, that's disordered. But just enjoying exercise or exercising for healthy weight loss is fine.
Profile: calmZebra60
calmZebra60 on Feb 15, 2017 more
Actually, yes, it is. Sometimes it's associated with purge-typea anorexia or atypical bulimia nervousa. But more often than not, when you avoid crucial activities, and especially so plan your day around exercise, it falls under compulsive exercise.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 24, 2018 more
Yes, it could be depending on the situation, like if it is because you want to lose weight then it is definitely not healthy to be doing for that reason.
Profile: seeturrtle11
seeturrtle11 on May 12, 2022 more
It can be. Overworking out and looking for cheat ways and tricks to get your goal body in shorter times can lead to disordered eating. Overexercising is also a type of purging mechanism and all of which might feel good at the time like you've found an easier way to hit your goals but long term its so unsustainable your body will start to kick back and you meet even get backward progress. I truly suggest getting a stable routine and not isolating yourself from social situations due to living in the gym with your mind and thoughts as that can lead you down the wrong path.
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