Why do bad things happen to good people?
Nov 10, 2015
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There is no one keeping score of the bad things happening to good people and bad people getting good things happening to them. The problem is most of those good things that are being taken from good people end up in bad peoples hands because they took them, or cheated to get what they have.
Some bad may even take a shortcut. I am a huge fan of Robin Hood he took from the rich and gave to the poor, maybe you can be that hero, maybe not literally, but find good things in your life that may be a blessing in disguise.
Mar 21, 2017
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Bad things happen to everyone both good and bad....It is a part of life unfortunately. It is how we handle it that will determine if we can learn from it.. Gather strength to move on from the bad times and look towards those better days,
Jun 3, 2015
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Bad things happen to everyone, its apart of life, and while sad, usually it is usually able to be overcome with some time.
Mar 26, 2018
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Bad things happen to everyone - that's just life. We never know the entirety of someone's story. But look at it this way - if bad things didn't happen to us, we would never truly appreciate the good things. So to answer your question - they happen so that good people can get even better, by learning to appreciate the good despite the bad.
Jun 18, 2018
Disabilities Expert
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Bad things happen to everyone they fall on us like the rain. We just think that if we good there is a shield that protects us.
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