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I've been a victim of domestic abuse, but I don't know how to get out of the situation, what should I do?

Profile: SunnyDays544
SunnyDays544 on Sep 22, 2014 more
Domestic abuse is so scary and I am so sorry you are stuck in that situation, but have hope and don't stop fighting! There are so many people rooting for you!! Lots of times there are Domestic Abuse hotlines or crisis centers for and in your area. Just Google them! They can evaluate your situation and help you in the best way possible! If you ever need to talk all of us on 7COT are here for you. Best of wishes, and I am so sorry that you have to experience one should :(
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Profile: Evi
Evi on Sep 11, 2014 more
I am really sorry to hear that you are in such a situation. I think it is very brave of you that you are seeking help, that must have been a big decision. is a website for domestic violence. They list steps you can take to get out of a abusive relationship. There is also a number you can call for more information. Does that help you at all?
Profile: mysteriousWillow50
mysteriousWillow50 on Apr 8, 2015 more
National Domestic Abuse Hotline 1-800-799-7233 is a great resource to talk to someone that can give you local resources for things such as where to go/stay. Also, do you have any abuse shelters in your area? For example, a women and children's shelter or something like that?
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 15, 2014 more
Try contacting the Domestic Abuse Hotline number for your country. That is the first thing you should be doing.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 20, 2014 more
You probably feel very frightened, but I recommend contacting anyone you can trust and confiding in them. It's important to have a support system at this juncture. Ask them if they will stay by your side and help you through the process of escaping your unsafe situation. This is important because once you leave your abuser, you may feel very alone. Of course, sometimes victims may not have anyone who can provide support, so try contacting a counsellor or other medical professional who you can contact when you go through any turmoil. You should probably do this anyone. Next, leave. Get out. Stay with trusted family or friends, or find a hotel (Or cheap hostel/shelter if you cannot afford it). It's okay to leave things behind. Your safety is most important. Next, contact the police. It's recommendable to contact police first, but sometimes abusers can become aggravated and take it out on the victim if they find out you have contacted authorities. Therefore, these steps must be taken very swiftly, if not all at once. You will feel overwhelmed and very afraid, but you will be safe soon. It'll take you a long time to get over what has happened, you may suffer from illnesses such as PTSD or anxiety, but you have to remember it's not your fault, and people love you and want to help you. Keep being strong and courageous. more
You should tell someone you trust. A teacher, guidance counselor, adult, therapist or the police. If you feel like you can't go to the police, talk to someone other than them and they will contact the police for you and everybody will try their hardest to get you out of that situation, and into a good one.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 10, 2015 more
This is what everyone says; but TALK. Nothing will change unless you tell someone. It is hard to get out of these situations by yourself, and if you don't get help, things will only escalate.
Profile: Anthony974
Anthony974 on May 7, 2015 more
Contact one of the many domestic abuse hotlines. I would also suggest finding a safe place to stay with a friend or relative and getting involved with law enforcement.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 29, 2014 more
I don't know if this will actually work because I don't know a lot about your situation, but my suggestion is to start going out more often (if you're still a minor), or move out (if you're a legal adult and are in a situation where you can support yourself).
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 2, 2014 more
You should call the local abuse hotline, or the police. Being the victim of domestic abuse needs law enforcement to deal with the abusing party. Stay strong.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 4, 2014 more
I'm sorry to hear that. I cannot help you with this, but here is the the domestic abuse hotline (insert phone number).
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 4, 2014 more
It is hard to get out of a relationship where there is domestic abuse. It can be financial, emotional, physical just to name a few. I went through a similar situation. It is very important to keep strong and have hope that the experience will end. Also, having support from family and friends or at least someone to talk to is important. If it weren't for my parents and my strong determination that I can live a life without him I wouldn't of gotten out. Also, I found that when you are studying or working it helps because it gives you the freedom and independence as well as confidence. If you cant find a job try to volunteer. Keeping your mind busy and your life helps.
Profile: Dailydaydreama
Dailydaydreama on Nov 17, 2014 more
Connecting to a support service can provide helpful information and the people who work there can take the steps with you that you want to do so that your not doing them alone !
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 8, 2015 more
Report it to the police and they can help you get out of the situation and give you the right information to help successfully stay out of it.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 15, 2015 more
Cant tell you what you need to do, You are in charge of your life and know what you need better then us telling you. Please seek your law enforcement or out reach for more help.
Profile: StrawberryMuffin
StrawberryMuffin on Aug 24, 2015 more
Domestic abuse is serious, and dangerous. The most important thing to do is get to safety as soon as you can. Whether it's with a friend or family member, or if this isn't an option, there are shelters and hostels which can provide you with a safe place to collect your thoughts and make your choices with a clear head. Consider contacting the police, or if you don't feel ready for that or decide against it, instead look for support in your local area which can help you get back on your feet. Make a plan, and deal with one thing at a time. However you plan to move forward, always ensure that your safety is you top priority, and look to those you love to support you as you tackle this situation.
Profile: AirshipCommunity
AirshipCommunity on Nov 13, 2015 more
I was in an abusive relationship a few years ago. I lived with my abusive partner and did not have my own car, which made it difficult to escape. I was also very depersonalized due to the abuse. Finally after a bad incident, I texted a friend and she came and got me. I strongly recommend reaching out to friends and hotlines. You can do it! You can be free! You will get better, I promise
Profile: Sassy001
Sassy001 on Mar 17, 2016 more
First,go to a safe place if you are currently in any danger of being abused.If you don't have a safe place to go to,there are shelters for victims of domestic violence.There are many crisis hotlines like Women Against Abuse that can offer help and support.Finding support whether with a family member,friend,therapist can help.Talking to other survivors of domestic abuse can help also.Realize you are the victim and it isn't your fault.No one deserves to be abused.There is never a reason you should be abused.You have worth and deserve to be loved and respected.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 29, 2016 more
If you are danger, call 911. If you are save at the present moment call the domestic violence support line. You have the right to be save from hurt, harm and danger and our local police are the first place to begin. You matter!!!
Profile: Teddy522
Teddy522 on Jun 12, 2017 more
If you feel you are in immediate danger please don`t hesitate to call emergency services. For anything less urgent, there are very useful helplines out there! Remember you have a right to feel safe.
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