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Is it possible to be influenced by your parents traumatic experiences and if so is it okay to talk to your own children about them at an appropriate age ?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 5, 2015 more
It's definitely possible to be influenced by them, either positively or negatively. I think it's okay to explain these experiences to your own children at an age where it might be useful to them. For example, explaining your experience in an abusive relationship as a teenager could help your own teen know how to identify these types of relationships, be cautious about what they do, and becoming understanding for people who experience abusive relationships, rather than be judgmental.
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Profile: PashT007
PashT007 on Apr 7, 2015 more
I think that talking about these experiences can help, however sometimes we should express to children at a young age what is inappropriate activity without going into detail to prevent things from happening to them.
Profile: Shaunislistening
Shaunislistening on May 5, 2015 more
Transparency equals intimacy but in my opinion it's certainly an age appropriate discussion. Suggested age 35 ;)
Profile: Bluenail
Bluenail on Jun 21, 2015 more
Yes it is and yes it is ok to talk with your kids if you think they can handle it.happy life is a blessed life.
Profile: RJordan
RJordan on Jul 5, 2016 more
Everyone views and lives in the world differently, through the lens of our past experiences. Even if the parents' trauma wasn't directly witnessed by the children, it still has an impact on them. I feel it helps when parents explain to their children why they may do things differently or react in certain ways, when age appropriate. It helps them see things from other's perspectives, and helps both parent and child be aware of how they are treating/responding to the other. As for telling your children of your own parents' trauma, I would suggest getting your parents' ok to do so first, or give the grandparents the chance to do so themselves if they would like. If they are not ok with it, it will help to simply tell your children that you never know what people have been through, or are going through, and give some examples, maybe from your own life.
Profile: endearingLion70
endearingLion70 on May 7, 2018
Disabilities Expert more
We are all influenced by our parents to some degree and so it is OK to talk to your children in an age appropriate way.
Profile: athomeschool1234
athomeschool1234 on Sep 8, 2020 more
Our parents are the biggest influences on our lives. You may have been influenced by trauma that your parents experienced and they may not have influenced you on purpose. Children develop differently. They may tell you when they are ready by asking questions. It is also important to talk to someone yourself and make sure that you having coping mechanisms to use when you feel stress or anxiety due to trauma. Chatting with some may be helpful. Talking through trauma is very beneficial to a lot of people. Bottling up stress and anxiety can make it worse.
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