Jan 27, 2016 more
Depression is something that canbe cured. So don't worry that you will always have to feel this way. It seems like there is no end but there will be. There are treatments to make you feel happy again. Because you deserve it.
If you have depression think about talking to someone about it. With the help of a psychologist I know that you can make it through this.
And don't forget: You are beautiful ♥
Jan 27, 2016 more
No, it all up to the person. depression is hard to come out of but in order to come out of it is seeking help either professional,family or friend. Once speaking about why you are depress it helps the mind set ease and make you feel a little more better, little by little it may not happen all at once. Some therapist provide medication to help with your depression but either you not seeing a therapist or dont want to take medication theres always other options such as speaking to someone. Remember happiness is a choice and its all up to you if you want to come out of that depression,
Jan 28, 2016 more
No is the simple answer. The complicated answer? It all depends on you. And how hard you work for happiness. If you truly want to be happy again, then you will be. You just have to have hope, remind yourself it will be better. Your depression is a part of your life path, but it isn't who you are. It doesn't define you. And it never will.
Jan 30, 2016 more
No, You will overcome your depression it's just a matter of time. But you are strong and beautiful and can get though anything. I belive in you.
Feb 4, 2016 more
Emotions fluctuate you may find the one joy in your life that will remove all of the fear, doubt, or pain you are feeling. However you will only get to that point if you work towards progression.
Feb 4, 2016 more
Depression comes and God surround yourself with positive vibes to stay happy and don't let others bring you down just happy people
Feb 4, 2016 more
Only if you decide to. You can either choose to take control of your mind or continue to abdicate from the responsibility to pick the life you probably claim you want.
Feb 5, 2016 more
You might. Some depression is temporary, some comes and goes, and some lasts a lifetime. Only time, and therapy and medication, will tell.
Feb 5, 2016 more
For some people depression is battled a lifetime and others it's only temporary.
Remember that it does get easier to deal with no matter how long you have it. You learn to understand it and yourself better.
Feb 6, 2016 more
Depression may seem like a never ending cycle but with help and support depression can be overcomed and life will look brighter.