Nov 20, 2014 more
Yes, depression is a life-long struggle, some days it will be bad, other's you won't know you have it. The key is to adopt a lifestyle that helps you manage it well, and surround yourself with people who will support you through the tough times.
Apr 3, 2015 more
The answer to this question is usually yes. Most people usually never lose depression, but learning how to cope and manage it can lead to a happier and healthier life. Therapy and medication can also help in a way, but the true way to help your depression is to be determined and ready to deal with it.
Apr 9, 2015 more
Of course not, depression is a state of mind you are not the depression you have depression, so with help and inner strengh you will overcome this
Apr 11, 2015 more
Depression is a curable thing. I doubt you will be stuck with it forever. Truthly I blame society for depression.
Apr 16, 2015 more
No, depression is something that we go through. Just grow through it, and get over that mountain. Best Wishes!
May 9, 2015 more
Depression feels like it will last the test of your life but it won't. As long as you take your medication and get help someday you'll live to say "I made it" you just have to help yourself and wait for that day.
May 24, 2015 more
If you deal with depression head on, it can and will get better for you. By that, I mean seeking professional help. Often depression will come and go at times throughout life, but with some help, it becomes much more manageable
Jul 21, 2015 more
No, people tend to go through phases of depression in their life that may last up to several years, or just months. Depression is curable and many people learn to live with it rather than against it.
Dec 8, 2015 more
Half of the people affected by depression will only experience this sadness once, while the other half has depression throughout life.
Dec 22, 2015 more
Most likely. You can for sure overcome depression, but it will always stay a part of you. Imagine it as flattening the waves, lowering their amplitude.
Remember, most heros have a tragic past. The weaknesses you overcome will be a part of the final product, the person you strive to become.