Dec 7, 2015 more
No you will not. In fact you will never feel this pain again because the pain you feel is unique to this moment in time and space (it may shrink/grow/change/dissipate). As with almost everything in life... it's cyclical (without this pain you won't be able to compare how happy will you be at some point in the future or how happy you we're in the past). It's all good, all feelings are good. They signal you that some changes are necessary.
Aug 13, 2018 more
No! Nothing is forever. Emotions are something we all have but certain feelings come and go. It will get better!
Jan 22, 2019 more
No, pain is something that only gets better with time, even if it seems never ending. It is hard to feel like something so intensely painful will pass, but it will pass. It may not disappear all together, but it will fade enough that you will be okay and you will be able to manage what you are feeling. You are strong and capable, I promise everything will pass overtime. Think about a time where you've felt intense pain before and think about how that pain feels today. As people, we are built to get knocked down and pick back up, and I promise you will get back up. Please do not hesitate to reach out for help and trust the ones you care about to help. You are not alone! It will pass.
Feb 27, 2015 more
You will not always feel this pain. Pain will morph and change. Pain can intensify or it can slowly ease away. How you handle your pain will reflect how you are able to feel it.
Apr 4, 2015 more
I can promise you that pain only lasts the moment you have felt it. Besides pain there is love and when you understand that pain will only last such a short time compared to all the beautiful wonders in the world. Then and only then will you be happy. Happiness comes from love and compassion. When your feeling pain rely on those close to you to life your spirit.
Apr 5, 2015 more
I think pain shifts.. I mean it may always be there but it changes and get less, it depends on the situation but I know things that destroyed me in the past now barely upsets me. Control your feelings, don't let your feelings control you
Apr 26, 2015 more
No sweetie you won't always feel this pain. It will pass when you let go off it. Be strong, it will be alright in the end
Jul 7, 2015 more
You won't always feel this pain, although it may seem like you will currently. Believe me, it will phase out :) Talking to a listener or a close friend will help speed up the process as well!
Aug 31, 2015 more
Pain is of course temporary. Sometimes it lasts longer than expected; sometimes it's seems as though there will be no end; pain is tricky and tough to endure; just have faith and take it easy; one breath at a time. You can and will surpass this feeling for sure.
Sep 14, 2015 more
Life is like a mountain its hard to climb but if you continue in the end you can see the good scenery