Oct 2, 2020 more
Living is a gift you must cherish and not end quickly. Kind of like a mug of tea I take small sips so the warm feeling stays around. Life was given to everyone and each person has a different mission in life once you complete it you go home. Think about it you were born to do something in this world and we each have our own parts to do. If you had no mission to complete you would not have been born to complete it. It is okay to feel scared about it. If you want to I can refer you to the self-harm hotline. Hope I could help.
Oct 3, 2020 more
Now, that is a great question that a lot of us find ourselves asking both our own selves and those around us. What is the point of it all, right? Well, you were born, weren't you? So maybe there is a reason behind it, maybe you are meant to do something that changes the world, that shakes the ground from under people's feet. Who knows? Agreed, you did not ask to be born, nor do you care what happens to this planet. Just think about something good you did, that little kitten on the street that you fed, that crying kid who gave your candy to, it felt good after you saw that shine in their eyes, didn't it? All I am saying is that we all have a purpose, all of us have a bit of a hero in ourselves, we all want to be a savior to at least one person. And it is completely okay if that person is you yourself, save yourself. You are a gem, we all need you. Too good for the planet? Yeah, you are, but you'll be a great asset to Team Earth and we'd love it if you stayed.
Oct 28, 2020 more
The meaning of life can vary from person to person therefore the reason to live it is not always the same for everyone... Life is full of good things and those are the ones that we need to focus on. We can give use to our life in a thousand different ways and when these uses are rewarded with gratitude from others, it is then when we understand why life its precious, why it is so worth it living it and how we can use it to change maybe not the world but one person at a time. Focusing everyday on all the positive aspects of family, work, friends, kids and animals can help see all for what we need to keep living for. When we see change in others because of our own positive attitude towards life, we understand that we all as humans require of love and support from people around us to give meaning and value to life. All of that makes life worth living.
Nov 1, 2020 more
I believe anyone can chose what they live for. Each live has it's own, very special story. The story is a path we live, we can follow, we can lead and we can stray from it. It's always one of a kind, it's always unique and it is in some way beautiful. I myself don't have much goals in mine, although I was born in fire - to be smelt into a being of great empathy. I've gone through hell to rise from the ashes like a phoenix and I have chosen. My life's utmost matter is life. Not mine though - other life, life around me. I feel little myself, but when I look in people's eyes... I see their stories. I feel what they feel, see what they see, hear what they hear. To me - those empathicly induced emotions are much stronger than mine. So I decided that this is what I will care more than my own life. Lives of others. I didn't succeed in my quest yet and I didn't go far. But at least I've found what is the most important thing in my life. I with to live for someone and I believe... even a broken shield might save someone's life one day.
Nov 4, 2020 more
I believe every person in this world has a purpose to fulfill. We often don't realize the positive impact we can leave on someone but that does not mean we do not have a life worth living. If you look around you, there are some incredibly amazing things worth living for. You can bring change to someone's life, help them have a better life. If you think about it there is a lot you can do in this life.
For some time, try to focus on the positive side of life, ignore the negativity, and see you will see the reason behind it. Behind everything.
Nov 8, 2020 more
You matter, that's why you should keep living. I haven't gotten to know you, but I care about you. And I'm sure so many others care too. I want only the best for you and for me, that's for you to live. I was in your shoes for a while, I wanted to take my own life as well. Until I was told by my best friend that I mattered, that I was important, that people cared about me, and that I had so much to live for. And I didn't do it. Because I'm wanted and I am needed.
Nov 11, 2020 more
It sounds like you are in or close to crisis. When people get this depressed it is hard to provide adequate support or advice. Please call your local crisis line to start the ball rolling on getting some professional help. The Suicide Hotline in America is 800-273-8255. I realize you may be in another country but many countries have hotlines as well.
There is help. There is hope. I'm proof of that I had a 4 or 5 year period where I was chronically suicidal and now i love being alive, well most of the time.
Please believe me.. a short answer here is not going to fix your problem. A short (or long, or repeated) chat with a listener, is not going to fix your problem. A therapist would be a good start, but you need to reach out like you have here, but admit to a professional that you need help, which is scary because of all the things we are told about mental health and needing help and movies that portray nightmare scenarios which add to fear and stigma and that really aren't true.
Everyone is unique and has their own gifts and talents, developed or undeveloped through practice. Everyone who leaves the world early, leave a hole and a rift in the space they occupied. If you don't know what your gifts and talents are, stay long enough to discover them. If you don't know who would miss you or misunderstand you leaving permanently. Stay long enough to find out. Get help. Find yourself. You are worth it.
Nov 13, 2020 more
I used to have this feeling often, and I still do. For me, it is a difficult feeling to overcome, however as the year have gone by. I have found peace. I keep living because the things around me haven't changed but I have. I have learnt to become more in control of my emotions. I have learnt a great deal of self acceptance which has allowed me to love myself a bit more, but also others. In turn, you see a new side to life and people. I love my friends and some of my family so much, that I keep living because I cannot wait to go to my friends weddings, I cant wait to buy their children clothes, or be there. when they finally land the career they want. I cant wait for all the future adventures that we will go on. I cant wait to be there for them. Thats why for now I have kept living. So sometimes the use is outside of ourselves, but throughout all the experiences you have, one thing remains constant, yourself. Maybe your life may not be exactly what you wanted it to be, but there will be a time where youre walking home from somewhere and you see a bird, or a tree, or a baby taking their first steps and you'll get the use. You are uniquely you. You matter.
Nov 18, 2020 more
Living will help you discover who you are, if you live you will make more friends, more relation ships and you will be able to discover the world as you get older. the more you live the more experience you will get with things, and you will know what to do in certain situations. If you keep living then you will discover more of what your passion is, you will get your dream job, and you will be able to have a wonderful life. The more you live the more you will fur fill. Having a life will be a once in a LIFETIME opportunity. Enjoy it while it lasts, and i know that you will.
Nov 20, 2020 more
Keep living because you'll fall in love, get a cute pet, get married, have kids, go to college, site see the world, kiss someone you truly love, be alive with people who want excitement in life. You'll see nature and waterfalls, feel the warmth of the sun on your face, eat honeycombs fresh from the bees themselves. You'll grow a garden in your backyard, ace that math quiz, create amazing friend groups. You'll be apart of a club or a swim team, you'll coach one of your own. You'll show the neighborhood kids where all the best trails are, what cool arcades to go to, and what video games are the best to play. The best part is, you'll be loved and cherished. Remembered and mourned. Cared and looked after.
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