Why does nobody believe I'm depressed?
Dec 31, 2015
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Sometimes people don't believe that another person is depressed for three reasons. One - Sometimes people think that a person is pretending to be depressed so that they can feel bad for them. That can be one reason. Two - When you tell a friend that you are depressed they may not believe you because they are probably thinking to themselves "This can't be true. This person is always happy ..." They don't expect they're best friend to be feeling that. Or Three - They simply don't want to believe it. Some people just don't want to acept that somebody is depressed.
Dec 31, 2015
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because people will never understand what you're going through or your problems seems nothing important to them or maybe you are stressing over small things
Dec 31, 2015
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Some people don't understand the signs and like to play doctor. They know a small bit of info on the subject and think if you're not showing all the signs they know of then something else is wrong. If you are showing all the signs they accuse you of begging for attending. People believe what they want for their own selfish reasons.
Dec 31, 2015
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I think it's because when you're depressed you feel so much pain and you don't want others to feel that pain because you know how tough it is. So when you tell someone they're normally shocked or they don't believe.
Jan 1, 2016
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There is a stigma that is still very strong, that depression is a weakness. But it is a chemical imbalance of the brain, scientifically proven.
Jan 1, 2016
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Many people have a hard time to understand and see things which go on in somebody others mind. We have been taught to be sceptical, that people lie so they are skeptic. It is not your job to raise awareness, but if you wanted you could show your loved ones etc. information about depression, like the guide here on 7 cups of tea, so they can understand, that depression is more than just sadness. There are many good articles out there too. People are often skeptical or even downright unbelieving when it comes to things they do not know.
Jan 1, 2016
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Because nowadays being "different" is mainstream, lot of young people act like they're depressed because is cool, they like posting grunge-depressive stuff on their blogs. That's why nobody believe you, you may just be one of the other fakes
Jan 2, 2016
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A lot of people think that you can have a depressive phase or that you may just be seeking for attention and what you're experiencing is just sadness where as in reality the truth is that what you're experiencing is very real and that they are just ignorant on the topic and have not experienced or dealt with some that suffers from it themselves.
Jan 2, 2016
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Many have different definition for depression. Some thinks depression is sorrow. Others think it's suicidal thought.
Jan 2, 2016
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In my experience,they didn't believe me because they thought I was faking it for attention and so I wouldn't have to do homework (my grades were going down because I had no motivation to do homework,or if I did do it I would think "what's the point of turning it in? I'll just end up getting all of the answers wrong"). . So they could just think it's a ploy for attention.