Why do I wake up thinking about my ex?
Apr 8, 2017
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You wake up thinking about your ex because he was a part of your life. You never forget people like that.
Apr 23, 2017
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Waking thinking about an ex (whether it be good or bad thoughts) is normal when the break is fresh, and may even come up every so often. It doesn't always have to mean something more than it is: a random thought popped into your head. For times like this, to avoid falling into a tunnel of overthinking, it would be helpful to remind yourself of who you are and that you cannot be with your ex for various reasons.
Aug 10, 2017
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When someone is important to us and we have spent a lot of time with them it is hard not to think of them. Thoughts of these people could pop up at any time of the day even if we have not seen them in some time. Sometimes there is no real explanation and other times something may have triggered the memory.
Oct 21, 2017
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You obviously have residual feelings for them. It doesn't have to be love or affection, but you simply miss what you do not have anymore. People aren't used to change, and it's completely normal. Just let yourself slide out of it and you will sooner or later. It's okay to think about them and miss them because you probably had meaningful moments with them.
Nov 10, 2017
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Sometimes you miss someone and that's okay. Part of it might just be because they were a big part of your life and they are no longer there. Whatever the reason, it is obvious that they had a significant impact on you.
Nov 12, 2017
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It sometimes happens that if your relationship was a long-term relationship or pretty intense, you still remember your ex even if it's been a while since you broke up. Maybe you dreamt about him/her. You're probably missing your memories together, but not him/her.
Nov 22, 2017
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Pretty self explanatory - You miss her. It's okay, we all sometimes think about our exes. It's a part of life.
Nov 28, 2017
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It is because you loved this person and have memories with this person. It's normal to miss them from time to time. or even long for them. Forgetting is easy when it doesn't matter but forgetting something when it meant the world isn't that easy. You are allowed to miss this person just don't forget that there will always be better things waiting for you in life.
Jan 4, 2018
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There are a lot of reasons this could be, but be careful trying to guess at what unconscious thought means. How do you feel about your ex? Maybe it's time to reconnect with that person, or maybe they're just thoughts.
Jan 14, 2018
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Often times it is hard to break off our emotional feelings even though the relationship may have ended. It is not wrong to still feel emotional and attached in someway to someone we were once close to. Healing and getting over someone takes time, so you are not alone in this feeling. Perhaps finding spending some time focusing on other interests, maybe activities, friendships, or even other relationships can help your mind to ease into its path of healing. Just know that there is nothing wrong with still thinking about them or having feelings for them, because it simply takes time to overcome. You can do it, one step at a time. :)