Why do I forget all the positive things of my life and my achievements when I am depressed?
May 31, 2015
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When people are in the throws of depression, all they can see and remember is the bad things. Also, our depression voice tells us that the good things we have done don't matter, and thus this can cause us to forget those good things.
Jun 7, 2015
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when there is bad things in life, we attend to give it all our attention because we just want that situation better or that awful feeling gone. Even though it's very hard, I've notice if I try to find good in every day even if's itty bitty it helps my mood and recovery.
Jun 12, 2015
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Sometimes we get so caught up on the bad that we forget to focus on the good, when we should be doing the exact opposite.
Jun 22, 2015
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Depression is a state of mind that often makes everything seem gloomy. When depression hits, you often cannot find the good.
Jun 30, 2015
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Sometimes, depression triggers very powerful automatic thoughts, When all seems lost, it feels like all our achievements are worthless, our life is a lie. It's like we look at the world wearing a pair of shades that make everything seem dull and sad. All we need to do is get up, pick ourselves up, remove the shades that block our minds, our hearts to the beautiful world around us. :)
Aug 4, 2015
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That's normal that we would forget everything positively when we are depressed. Because we may learn helplessness and lost, but most importantly how we stand up and face to problem.
Nov 30, 2015
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It's the fact of depression. We feel low and lonely and forget about the past achievement in life and start focusing on the negative thoughts and other things that are out of our control
Apr 18, 2016
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Because depression makes our brain think differently. That is why exercise. .support groups and a healthy diet can reduce the negatively thoughts about ourselves
Jul 11, 2016
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Sometimes when a person is depressed, it's easy to forget all the good things in your life. Depression makes the negative thoughts seem louder so you have a hard time focusing on everything that is good.
Jul 12, 2016
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'Beacause when you're depressed it's really hard to find positive things and thinking about them it's really hard. That's why I'm here. To help you to find the positive things in your life.