Why do I feel so inferior and worthless and useless all the time?
Dec 16, 2015
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It is only because you have accepted that image of yourself in your mind. Try believing in yourself and you will change those feelings automatically.
Dec 17, 2015
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It's possible you have people in your life who are bringing you down. I struggle with my idea of self-worth and it isn't easy but having people who make you feel important definitely help.
Jan 2, 2016
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i don't know why u feel so. But you aren't worthless and useless, i swear !! ♥ you are worth anything and not useless!
Jan 22, 2016
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You feel this way because you have negative thoughts. Try looking around and naming something beautiful, whether it be something in nature or something around the house. When you look in a mirror, say something positive about yourself. Also, think about the people in your life. If someone in your life is negative, maybe it's best to either talk to that person about the things that you have a problem with or to get them out of your life completely.
Jan 16, 2016
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Inferiority comes from comparison. You are constantly scanning the environment and measuring "I am worth less than mr x, I am worth more than mr y" etc. If it's any consolation it's not any more fun when you are looking around thinking you're better than everyone "superiority complex". It stems from the same place of needing to be better. I would look into self esteem building and mindfulness/meditation to be more present and accept yourself as you are, when you accept yourself you no longer care if you are better or worse than the next person, it is very liberating.
Jan 21, 2016
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I usually feel this way when I try and talk to people but they either don't hear me or it feels like they're ignoring me. However most of the time it has nothing to do with how others view me because 9/10 they don't even realise they have made me feel this way. It can't make me inferior or worthless, it just simply means that I'm not in the rhythm of their conversation or I didn't speak loud enough or interesting enough. It has nothing to do with my self worth because no matter what, I am always worthy and every one is equal so how can anyone be inferior?
Jan 21, 2016
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You may feel this way because of the way you have been treated in the past. A pattern has been set in your mind and you have to break it. Do things to help yourself. Acknowledge your accomplishments, Practice talking positively about yourself - out loud, give back to your community or friends and family by doing things for others - you'll feel good about it, write down things your grateful for - try to do that every day to remind you of the positive parts in your life. You can recondition yourself. You can break this cycle
Jun 4, 2015
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There is no such thing as worthless and useless, every single one uf us has gifts and we must make use of our gifts as intended.
Oct 29, 2015
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Many events and thoughts can trigger these feelings. Your feelings may be linked to something more serious, such as Depression or even Bipolar disorder. Seek help if you feel like these feelings are getting worse. Talk to a counselor, visit a therapist, talk to a friend/adult, or use self-helping means to get over your feelings, such as giving yourself compliments in the mirror, dancing, singing, etc. No one should feel this way. Ever.
Feb 6, 2016
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If you feel inferior and worthless and useless, it may be because you don't see just how valuable you are to me and everyone else on this website. It can be difficult to find self-esteem, but we believe in you, and no matter what, we will support you on your journey to believe in yourself!