Why do I feel like a failure?
Feb 6, 2016
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When we fail at acomplishing the goals we set ourselves to achieve, we might sense the feeling of being a failure. But mistakes and fails are only events we can learn from and next time we could achieve what we set for.
Feb 12, 2016
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We are all failures in life at some point and we shouldn't feel useless just because. Stand your ground, learn from your mistakes. More life no pain no gain! ;)
Feb 13, 2016
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When we don't know how to value ourselves, we are tempted easily to underestimate ourselves. You haven't worked on building your confidence enough, thoughtcatalog.com is a good source to help with this, so are Ted talks on YouTube.
Feb 19, 2016
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You're probably being overly critical of yourself and comparing yourself to others. We're all a work in progress and no one is perfect. Building up our self worth allows to see that we're not a failure after all and allows us to embrace our qualities and accomplishments.
Feb 19, 2016
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There's nothing wrong with failing, failing is just an eye opening experience that you need to embrace and learn from, everyone fails at something or the other. The reason why one feels like a failure is because one has expectations which have not been met, they may be others' expectations or their own
Feb 20, 2016
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not being able to achieve my own personal goals, not being able to help people solve their problems entirely, nt being able to fulfil own and others' promises
Feb 21, 2016
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its just a feeling this doesn't mean that you are. a lot of people will feel like this at some point
Feb 21, 2016
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repeated experiences of failing may wrongly convince you that you are a failure, don't ever give up and keep trying, there is no impossible, you can do it!
Feb 24, 2016
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I'm sorry that you feel that way! We all feel like failures sometimes, whether the sentiment is justified or not. Failing is part of human nature, but so is getting back up after you've failed and trying again until you've succeeded! I believe in you.
Feb 24, 2016
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Sometimes it is hard to see your own value. It can take just a small mistake and you suddenly feel completely miserable. Just because you are feeling like a failure doesn't mean you are one however, try to focus on everything you are good at, because I promise you that there are a lot of things even though you might not be able to see them right now.