Why do I feel depressed even when my life is going great?
Apr 6, 2018
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It's kind of like feeling alone even when you're surrounded by tons of people. Depression can hit you in the best moments of your life. It's nothing that you're doing; but it's best for you to utilize your coping skills and friends to help make everything okay as soon as possible. :)
Apr 11, 2018
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Depressions can have a lot of different triggers. Maybe you just don't recognize them or you should think about it if it's really depression or only a down phase.
Apr 11, 2018
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You could actually be depressed! Depression isn't about just feeling sad, it is actually a chemical imbalance in your body. You should try talking to your doctor about it!
Apr 11, 2018
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Sometimes they're just old grievances that you blocked out in the past coming back. Some people tend to not thinking about things when they're sad just to get over it faster, and although it works, it's usually not a long term solution. Eventually you need to come to terms with it, mentally and at times physically. By mentally I mean actually thinking about things, assessing the situation and telling yourself that it's okay and if you think none of that works, then you physically go out and do something about it. Bad break up? Get back in touch and get your closure. Fight with someone? Apologise. Life is short, and you need to enjoy every bit of it. There is no point in being upset over the past because that's just something you can't change but what you can do is work on the present and have a greater future!
Apr 12, 2018
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Depression isn't just a feeling! It is an illness as well. On top of that there are so many different reasons for why depression effects each individual. Genetics and brain chemistry come in to play, trauma from childhood, or even the weather can all play into why you could be depressed. Be thankful for the life you have but don't beat yourself up because you aren't happy with it. Depression is an illness that discriminates against no one.
Apr 25, 2018
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Maybe there is something missing. Is there something you worry about? Something you think you don't have that could make you happier?
Apr 27, 2018
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It could be as your thinking about the bad things instead of focusing on the good things,
May 2, 2018
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Depression can be a chemical imbalance in our brains. No amount of good things going for us can change our overall emotional mood all the time
May 11, 2018
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mostly it's about how you think... CBT and mindfulness audio self help guides, especially the motivational catefory on 7 cups is really helpful
May 11, 2018
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It may happen that you're something missing. Someone around you that will help you, and will support you, while needed.