Why do I feel bad about the past?
Nov 30, 2015
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Its only because you are thinking only your mistakes from past. Try to remember your best times from the past. Think about the time you were most happy... and remember this.. we could never learn with out mistakes.
Sep 13, 2016
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Because I feel as if everything is my fault. Nothing I ever do is good enough. I feel as if I could have bettered myself.
Jun 20, 2016
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I feel bad about the past because I am still learning to accept, to forgive and to let go. Only after I work on myself, I can feel good about the past because no matter how unpleasant it was, it was actually the things that build my strength and resilience.
Oct 26, 2016
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It's normal to feel bad about the past -to a certain extent-. We can't go back there and repair our mistakes. A way of feeling a bit better about it can be asking ourselves what did we learn from the past and try to accept it/make peace with it, forgive.
Sep 29, 2015
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A lot of people feel bad about the past for a number of reason. The hugest reason I find is regret. So many people have said to themselves "If only I had known then what I know now." It isn't unusual to feel bad about the past but all you can do is move forward. Make amends where you need to, but most importantly don't worry about the past but just embrace the present.
Jan 16, 2017
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We, as humans, hold on to our pasts. Whether it's remembering happy memories or sad times. As we enter the present, we start to rethink on whether we made the right decisions, chose the right paths for ourselves, listened to the right people, or simply being that we ponder on whether we could have changed the way in which our lives resulted in. We contemplate on all the things that have happened to us and wonder whether, in the end, it made us a better person or not. We hold grudges and doubts, feel insecure about the outcome - in which we feel we could have changed. We are afraid to admit to ourselves that what we are is final. We choose our fate, and yet we still feel threatened by our choices. But with time, we learn to move on, to forgive but not forget, to cherish the precious moments left, to love the people we care about, and learn that the past is the past for a reason. One that we cannot change but instead learn deeply from. We learn to accept.
Feb 12, 2018
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It's ok to feel bad. I try to remind myself that it's normal to feel, to accept the feeling as a temporary, but real emotion.
May 18, 2021
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Well, it depends really. You see, when we are younger, we tend to be very brash, careless and more or less dont care about consequences or others' feelings. We humans as we grow, we mature and learn to understand and listen to others and these nostalgic memories and all the wrong we did to people in the past, they just pull us down and make us feel guilty. researchers found that when you're nostalgic or thinking about your past, you're usually thinking about your close relationships, or a place that's important to you. Its common to feel guilty about the past and its important that we overcome our guilts and work on fixing it
Nov 3, 2021
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Hello, we feel bad because it's a memory in our mind, the guilt and bad things, we try to forget don't seem to get away easily. We can try to ignore the thoughts. We can try to forget them by doing good things and focusing on the present to make the future better 💙 We are all with you 💙
If you need you can talk to me, I am here to listen to you. There are many listeners here too so feel free to reach out 💙
Reading books and music will help. Try to be calm 💙 it's okay.
Jan 25, 2015
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It's natural, because you can't fix it, because people say "the past is in the past", because there's no going back