Why do I always think everything I do is wrong?
Jan 5, 2022
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Hey thanks for the question!
Let's zoom into this question. Specifically let's look at "think" . It sounds like a sign of lack of self belief and maybe self confidence. Thinking is not knowing. Do you often lack trust in your own decision-making?
Could you think of any causes of why you don't trust your own gut?
Maybe everything so far has not turned out in your favour, and therefore for you must think everything is wrong?
Perhaps outsiders, (friends or family members, work peers) often make comments on the things you do, or play down your achievements?
Just a few things to think about which may help you discover the reason.
Best wishes
Jan 19, 2022
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Sometimes we can be our own worst critics. We seemingly know ourselves the best, yet treat ourselves the worst. When you're feeling that type of judgment coming on, try and take a step back and ask yourself is this realistic? Do I have a genuine reason to be doing so, or am I just being overcritical? Odds are, you will be able to take a step back and realize you have no reason to be judging yourself. This skill does take practice, so I would recommend trying to practice this positive mindset in small, low stake areas. I believe in you, and I promise it is worth trying!
Jan 28, 2022
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Overlooking the small positive scorers of your life can often cause tunnel vision on the bad or “wrong†events. Enjoying the small wins is really important. Getting out of bed, looking forward to breakfast or school even though it’s not the most exciting thing in the world can really put the bad or wrong into perspective and get yourself in a confident mind set for the day moving forward and life in general. If you have a pessimistic outlook on decision you make then there’s no point in making them. Step back take a deep breathe and be confident with your decisions.
Jan 30, 2022
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I have a hard time dealing with constantly thinking that everything I do is wrong. It stems from my need to be perfect and harsh criticism received from my parents when I was younger. I was told that I couldn’t do anything right, I was nothing, and that no one would love me. It has been a long process to overcome this idea that nothing I do is ever good enough, but everyday it gets easier. I find that positive self talk, exercise, doing things I enjoy, and taking care of myself has really helped. Also, journaling and thinking about my ideals helps.
Mar 4, 2022
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Sometimes our self-confidence is weaker than usual because of the circumstances we are going through or because we always compare ourselves to others, which makes us feel that we are not satisfied with ourselves and that we are not enough or do not deserve what we have reached. We enter into a state of denial of our efforts and convince ourselves that we are failures when the truth may be the exact opposite. Everything you achieved was with great effort on your part. While you convince yourself that you have reached this point only by chance. Remember that there is no such thing as coincidence and that no matter how good there are people who are good at a thing, you can be superior at another, but you haven't discovered it yet. Remember that everyone is special in their own way and that you are always good and enough.
Mar 20, 2022
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Maybe you are not confident about yourself and your ability. Or some chain of out-of-control events makes you feel so confused which may make you focus on the negative side and bad consequences. However, you can try to look at it from another perspective and think about some positive sides that you have done. Besides that, looking back at your past mistakes and taking the lessons from them is extremely important. But you are incredible in your own way, and maybe sometimes it's not about how it suppose it to works, but it's so appreciative that you have done your best.
Mar 23, 2022
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I would reverse this and say, how do I know everything else I do is right? If I cannot rightfully determine that everything else that I do not do wrong is right, then I should not rightfully say that everything I do is wrong. We need to sometimes look at ourselves from a third person perspective. Sort of like a video game in the 3rd person view. Not everything is about right or wrong. What is wrong could be right and vice versa. It is good to learn of what the situation entails and then determine it. Life is about discovering the balance and not lean into a constant duality of "right" and "wrong". In fact, there is no right or wrong way to life!
Apr 2, 2022
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I’ve experienced this quite a lot. It’s a mix of upbringing, genetics, personality and environment and for me feeling like a failure and like I would always fail was overcome through work and dedication. Slowly but surely it’s possible to overcome these ways of being and replace them with versions true to the self. Learning to notice it is the first, big step so congratulations on that incredible milestone. I think you always think everything you do is wrong because at some point you became convinced you were a bad or wrong person or not good enough. This wasn’t and isn’t true, and is no one’s fault, and now you can choose to grow in a positive direction if you like!
Apr 13, 2022
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Problems and heartaches in life are inevitable. However, there are some things to remember when you’re right in the thick of it that can help you get through it. Whether you’re dealing with work-related issues, family problems, or stressful situations, very few problems last for a lifetime. So remind yourself, that things won’t be this bad forever. One of the most important things to remember is that you have some control of the situation. Even if you aren’t in complete control of the situation, one thing you can always control is your attitude and reaction. Focus on managing what is within your control. But, always remember asking for help is one of the best ways to deal with tough situations. Tell people what you need specifically if they offer to help. Don’t be afraid to call on friends and family and ask them for help, whether you need financial assistance, emotional support, or practical help.
Apr 29, 2022
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Every situation is different but I would assume that you didn't receive the support you needed as a child to develop that sense of confidence. I see a lot of parents talk down to their children and when you are a kid you don't know any better, you feel like the person who was supposed to love and protect you thinks you are doing something horrible, that you have been horrible. And if you internalize it, you keep feeling it. I can't know if that is your case but I think it is most likely scenario. Even if that is not it, there is a way to solve this feeling but you have to unpack where that feeling came from. You weren't born feeling this way so it is environment specific, I hope things get better
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