Why do I always feel unmotivated and sad? :(
Mar 18, 2015
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You might be going through a bit of depression, but that's okay. It may be hard, but try and find even one small moment in your day that makes you smile even if it's just eating your favorite candy bar. This is just another stage in your life and there are surely happy days ahead.
May 18, 2015
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Because your not trying. I can tell by your question. I can bet you 100$ your not putting a significant effort in anything you do. Because if you did, you'd not have this problem. We only get motivation by starting something. and we only feel success and accomplishment by getting things done, no sadness there. Get moving, feel good.
May 20, 2015
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Lack of motivation and sadness are warning signs of depression, and it's possible that you might be facing some depression right now.
Apr 10, 2015
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Life can be hard. Just take a moment to love what you have and think about what you want to do. It may seem sad and bleak now, but life is always changing. The best part is coming soon.
Jul 14, 2015
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Maybe because you are surounded with the wrong people who dont motivate you or give you complements.
Jun 26, 2018
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It is kind of self-fulfilling prophecy, i'm sad because i'm unmotivated, i'm unmotivated because i'm sad. so to break this you need to stop blaming yourself for everything, and let go.
Apr 21, 2020
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During this difficult time with the pandemic going on, it can be difficult to do the usual things one may do get motivated and feel happier. Just know, you are not alone. We are all going through a collectively traumatic experience on planet earth. It will not be forever and know there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Just know, there is always somebody who cares enough to listen to you while you are figuring it all out. No hard times last forever, you are not alone. Some days, merely doing the basics is enough. Be kind to yourself xxx
Sep 1, 2015
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Usually it can be a sign on depression, but sometimes it can be changes in diet, exercise, or even the weather. Our bodies are very strange like that. ♥
Sep 29, 2015
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These seem like common signs of depression. Perhaps you should check online for the symptoms of depression and see if it fits you?
Feb 9, 2016
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I feel unmotivated because of the lack of goal in my life. Without having a goal to achieve or a thing to look forward to it is possible to not find the motivation in life.