Why can't my parents understand that I am not choosing to be depressed?
Jun 27, 2016
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Sometimes it is hard for people to understand something they have not experienced. If you have tried talking with them and explaining how you feel, it might help to get a professional to help explain it to them. Again, it is hard for some people to understand something they do not know. Be patient with them I am sure the only want what is best for you!
Jan 31, 2017
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Sometimes parents believe that they completely understand you as they see you a majority of the time. But usually, parents don't truly understand you, because only you know yourself that well. Taking the time to sit down and discuss this with your family is usually the best way to go.
Mar 26, 2019
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Sometimes there is a stigma that surrounds mental illnesses like depression and anxiety. When a person has never experienced these, it can be really hard for them to understand that we do not choose to have depression or any of these other illnesses in our life. For me personally, being able to admit I was depressed was the scariest time of my life, I was scared I wouldn't be accepted. But no matter what, even if your parents can't understand, you will have someone here for you. Especially here on 7cups, there will always be a listener for you to talk to, or to even just chat.
May 4, 2020
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I have found that many people do not understand the difference between being depressed and having depression. No one chooses to be depressed. If you feel you have depression, I would seek out a therapist who may be able to help with therapy and/or medication. Those who have never had depression, assume you can "snap" out of it like you can sometimes when you are just depressed. Depressed and depression are different. Usually you are depressed due to a situation. Having depression is due to an imbalance in the brain, something you cannot control. Perhaps a therapist can explain that to your parents.
Aug 1, 2016
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I think they can't understand because they have not experienced it themselves. They do not understand the impact it can have on someone. If I wish to be happy, I would be. Depression is not a choice. It is an illness that no one can control
Oct 23, 2017
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Sometimes mental illness or scary to parents. They don't really know what to do. And another thing that's a problem is that there really is an official test that you can take like you can't take a blood sample or you can't take a scan of your brain to actually say that you have this mental illness. Try to look it up online to see how you can better explain that you're really not making up being depressed.
Dec 4, 2017
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It is hard for parents to understand their child's depression. Especially when they do not want their child to be depressed. I would try explaining to them that it is not your choice. Now, they may backfire on you but try to do some things with them so you can show them that you are trying to get better, though its not your choice being depressed.
Feb 5, 2018
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You can tell them it is the chemicals, it literally has an impact on the physical body like an illness and you cannot just wish it away.
Oct 29, 2018
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Sometimes, it can be difficult for someone who isn’t experiencing depression understand someone who is. It’s a sort of thing that you wouldn’t understand unless you’re facing it yourself. However, you’re parents not being able to understand you doesn’t mean they don’t want to. Their actions may not be what you’re looking for, but, looking from their views, knowing about your experience with depression might scare them, leading to them saying or doing something without thinking. I think it’s best to seek professional help or help from someone who understands depression. That person could even help explaining depression to your parents.
Mar 21, 2017
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A lot of people do not understand depression unless they have been there themselves. Most people think you are just sad and can snap out of it...It's not that easy and goes much deeper which is why a lot of places are trying to bring light to depression and actually what it is and can do to a person.
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