Who can I talk to about my problems?
Oct 28, 2015
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Anyone, but make you're you talk to someone who you feel safe and comfortable talking to. If you need someone to talk to, all listeners are available!
Oct 28, 2015
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Probably with someone with whom you are comfortable with may be a friend or a teacher some of your relative or may be a therapist we have to check with whom we are close and comfortable sharing all this stuff..
Oct 29, 2015
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The first person to go to would be; parents but if that's not in option you can go to a trusted adult such as: aunt, uncle, grandparents, council...ect.
Oct 29, 2015
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anyone who you believe and can help you find a way out of your problems. Like here on 7 cups of tea, you can find someone you believe to help you
Oct 29, 2015
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You can talk to a listener on 7 cups, we'd love to help you and listen to all the things you have to say. You can also talk to your friends or your family, or just someone that you trust and I'm sure they'd do their best to help and listen as best as they can to you
Oct 29, 2015
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First, learn to talk with yourself. This is the greatest gift you can give yourself. There is a Tibetan proverb I love, "Do not fear solitude. It is a rare opportunity to become friends with oneself." If life gives you the opportunity, call it "solitude," not "loneliness" and revel in the lessons it has to offer!
Oct 29, 2015
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There's this option here Find a listener! There are many listeners on 7cupsof tea to listen always!:) If you are experiencing thoughts of suicide or self harm reach out and contact The national suicide hotline!
Oct 30, 2015
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You can talk to many people about your problems. Your close friends, your family, your teachers at school, a therapist, even us listeners on here!
Oct 30, 2015
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Talkign about problems is always hard to find someone who you trust and also sometimes we feel they do not want to listen to us. However you can always talk to people in 7cups if you feel that way, and people you consider your best friends. They'll always be there to support you.
Oct 31, 2015
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You can talk to your friends or family if you trust them. If you can't speak to them, there are a lot of profesionals.