Who can I talk to about depression?
Mar 2, 2016
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someone who is close to you who understands you better might be your friend or your teacher may be your siblings
Mar 3, 2016
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You could try to talk to a good friend that you trust or a teacher. I always talk to my cousin when I feel down or anger so don't think that you cant talk to your family they will always look out for you. Also counselors and the members of 7 cups are great people to talk to.
Mar 3, 2016
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.......someone who's experienced depression personally, coped with it successfully can listen and reflect your feelings.
Mar 4, 2016
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You can talk to listeners here on 7cup, or join the Depression group chat, we will try out best to help!
Also you can speak with people you trust in real life, like your parents, teachers, or your friends, there is always someone who is willing to listen.
Mar 5, 2016
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A therapist
A friend
A parent
A sibling
Anyone in the Depression Community Room
We understand you.
Mar 5, 2016
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You can talk to anyone you feel comfortable with about depression whether it be a friend family member counselor or a stranger on a site like this
Mar 6, 2016
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there are a lot of resources online that can help you understand depression better, like its symptoms, treatments and how it affects the chemicals in the brain. you can also talk to the listeners on here to get a better grip on it. But if the symptoms affect your daily life i suggest meeting with a therapist. wish you all the best!
Mar 6, 2016
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You can talk to so many people about depression. Think if you had a broken arm...who would you talk to about your broken arm? Who would you tell what happened to your arm? Depression is the same. Talk to friends, your teacher, your principal, your pastor, your brother, your dog, your parents, your sports coach, your sister. Anyone! You can even reach out to 7Cups and we can talk about what is going on. If you feel in immediate crisis you can also call the suicide hotline 1-800-273-8255
Mar 6, 2016
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Of course, some listener on 7 Cups. It's also good to say it some professional or a good friend. Talk about it with someone you trust in and be honest and not ashamed.
Mar 9, 2016
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You can talk to one of us Listeners, or you can talk to a trusted friend or adult! You should bring it up with an adult if you feel you can trust them so you can get help you need in case it gets bad, but it's always good to also have a friend to talk to.