What should I do when my depression starts getting severe or I start having suicidal thoughts?
Aug 8, 2016
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Take slow, deep breathes and think about what option will work best for you. You could call a suicide hotline and see if talking to someone would help, go to a doctor or therapist and see what they'd recommend. If it's that bad you might need medication to help with it and if you're already in medication you might need to try something else. The most important thing is to keep any dangerous objects out of reach, get to a safe place, and find help in whatever way you feel most comfortable. Even if it's talking to a close friend and asking them to take you somewhere to speak with a trained professional. Stay safe love and best of luck
Aug 30, 2016
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you should reach out to somebody you can trust and try and get help as soon as you can through either you mental health services or a hospital
May 1, 2017
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Tell someone. It truly is the best thing you can do. Whether is your family, someone here, or even a friend, they need to know. If you find yourself buying weapons, preparing knives, or something like that, call a suicidal life line. They can help
Jul 11, 2017
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Reach out. We aren't meant to do this alone. Talk to your friends, family, colleagues, neighbours - anybody who you trust. People do care about you.
Nov 27, 2017
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You should ring suicide hotline for instant support, they can help you understand how you are feeling and give you advice on how to overcome the feeling.
Feb 6, 2018
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Talk to someone you care/love about it. If that isn't possible, I'd recommend looking for professional help.
Remember is okay to feel like that. You can cry and let it all out if you want to. Eat mood boosting foods like chocolate, practice a hobby or listen to music you really like, even if it doesn't fit your emotions at that time. It all helps dealing with depression.
Mar 6, 2018
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Come to 7cups and talk to someone who has been in the same position and can help. I know its really hard but talk to your parents if you really trust them its so difficult because they know you but if you really trust them they can help you and not run away.
Apr 17, 2018
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Talk to someone that you trust because they will be able to guide you in the right direction to better thinking
May 28, 2018
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If your depression grows so much that it impacts your life so greatly to a point you consider ending it, then it's high time to find trained, professional help. There are a lot of websites and hotlines specialized to help in times of greatest need like 'suicide.org'. The next and also great step would be to realize that life is amazing and full of possibilities even if it does not seem like it at the moment. You are never really alone. There are always people who would love to help you.
Oct 8, 2018
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The best things you can do when you feel your depression is getting severe is to make self care a priority. Really take time to look after you. Don't be so hard on yourself, right now you need calm and you time. Let people around you know how you're feeling so that they are aware and can perhaps help in a way or just know how you're feeling. Try and see a doctor, don't keep these feelings to yourself. Do something that you enjoy, go for a walk, take a bath, hug a dog or a cat, listen to music. Right now you need time to look after your mind and your soul. It's ok to not be ok.