What should I do if I am feeling suicidal, but don't want to tell anyone?
Dec 1, 2018
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You should carefully examine why you don't want to tell anyone. Is it because you don't want help? Is it because you feel shame about your painful emotions/experiences and you don't want others to know the difficulties you are having? Is it because you want to be able to carry out a plan of suicide without anyone knowing? Is it because you are afraid of what help will entail? The fact that you have reached out on 7 cups to even ask this question in the first place suggests that you do actually want help (and are not looking for a way to secretly carry out a plan of suicide). Otherwise you wouldn't have wasted the time here. If this is true, then it is very important to look at the other issues I mentioned. What are your fears about reaching out to others? Are you afraid of been seen by others? Are you afraid they will criticize or judge you? By sharing your issues with those you trust, you make yourself vulnerable. But this can also be the first step to getting help, getting your needs met, and figuring out how to resolve your issues. If you can't figure out how to pull yourself out of the difficult feeling of wanting to end your life, then you should consider reaching out to others. This will help you find creative solutions and resources to heal yourself. If you don't want anyone close to you to know what is going on, then consider going to a professional counseling therapist. They will not judge you and your friends won't know about it. That will solve any fears you might have about what others close to you might think. On the other hand, if you are afraid of what the treatment might entail then take some time to research what is actually involved. Once you have educated yourself on the possible treatment scenarios, you will have less anxiety or fear about what lies ahead. You will feel more safe to reach out and get the help you need. By allowing ourselves and our innermost pain to be seen by others (people who we trust) we open the door to healing and transformation. We open the door to the life of joy we dream of.
Dec 20, 2018
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There were times I felt suicidal but I got over it. I used to write about my feelings and what do I want in this life. I tried to find something that can connect me to life, one of them was my mother and writing also helped me to discover things and clear my mind. With therapy I got over this situation. I don't think it will happen again because I have more hope for the future but we can never know what life brings so If I would have something like a crisis I would write again because it really helps me to clear my mind.
Dec 23, 2018
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it is pretty unhealthy to keep things held inside you, so i think if you feel suicidal but you do not want to tell anyone, but if you have a really close trusted person in your life, inform that close person that you have a relationship with; whether it be your boyfriend, aunt, father, best friend, teacher, guidance counselor, or sibling. if not, then come on 7 cups anonymously so you will not feel like people can trace you down or as if they will know it was you. it is bad to keep feelings hidden because this can lead to worse occurrences, like self harm or even harming others.
Jan 2, 2019
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Suicide is not something that goes away or something unimportant you should seek professional help at the first level when you feel suicidal, talk to someone professional don't seek help from your friends unless you have a professional friend that can help you with that . If you don't want to tell your family or friends don't but try to seek professional help suicide won't heal on it self and it's so important to get professional help or call the suicide hotline and ask them to help you with that . Hope one day we'll have a world without suicide
Jan 10, 2019
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One thing you can do especially in the moment of wanting to end your life is just take a breath and sit for 90 seconds. Overpowering emotions don't often last as long as they may seem to, and by sitting and focusing on something that can help distract you from what you're feeling in the moment, weather that be overwhelming anxiety or sadness. Being on this service is already a great start, you can find a listener or a group chat to which you can relate. By talking to others who understand what you've gone through you are able to feel less alone and feel understood.
Jan 18, 2019
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It's very hard to get through a period where you are feeling suicidal, without extra support. Often times, those feelings are exacerbated by feelings of isolation and loneliness.
The best thing to do, though it can be very hard, is to try and find hope. Find little things that make you want to stay alive and begin to see a future for yourself. It can be something you love doing or something like your favourite tv series. Just little things that help you get through the day and make you feel hopeful for the future.
I read this quote once, "You don't have to feel hopeful about the future, it's enough to just be curious about what is coming."
You've already come so far, and I can see you're trying very hard. You should be very proud of yourself! Better days will come.
Jan 30, 2019
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I used to have the same problem. And I would like to firstly say, I am happy that you are reading this and looking for some distraction from suicide. And I will also like to add that you have nothing to be shame of because these thoughts do happen regardless of our lives and events. And I used to surround myself with friends or just one person that I care deeply for as long as I was not alone. The saying that their are safety in numbers hold truth in this case. And I would force myself to go out and do something as long as I was around others that care about me. It took me years of struggling until I had the sense of security to openly confident in someone that I had these feelings.
I hope this help. Take Care
Feb 10, 2019
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Try contacting a anonymous hotline. I understand how telling someone may be hard but I encourage it strongly. I hope everything turns out okay for you in the end. You got this. There are resources on the website you your use if you need them. I would also be more than happy to help or show you where they are. I am here as well and many other listeners. We all support you and want the best for you in the end. I hope this helped and that you find your way to the hotline and eventually get the nerves to tell someone.
Feb 16, 2019
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The suicide hotline is anonymous, as far as I know. Yet, if you don't feel like using it, especially if you have anxiety/social anxiety, there's a "textline" - a hotline but in a chat version. It's much easier to talk about those things via chat to some people, so if you know someone in this situation DON'T PRESSURE THEM. It will only make it harder to go through. Instead, let them know their feelings towards calling are valid and that there's options. Same applies for yourself: don't shame yourself for being scared or intimidated. Remember you will get out of this.
Mar 28, 2019
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Thoughts and feelings of suicide are very serious and should be addressed. I know and understand how scary it is to approach someone and tell them you wish to end your life. If you are not comfortable talking to a trusted friend or family member, or you do not have that option, you could go to your doctor or call a helpline, there are many free confidential helplines that will make sure you get the help and treatment you deserve. If you feel as though you cannot talk to someone face to face you could write it down and hand it to them for them to read. This gives you time to collect your thoughts and for them to process what has been said
May 3, 2019
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If I am feeling suicidal and did not want to tell anyone close to me. I would reach out to the texting crisis line as an anonymous texter. I would ask for help and try to create a plan with a listener or crisis line counselor to keep me from engaging in the behavior. Most of the time people who feel suicidal want to reach our for help but don't know how. It is important when working as a listener or crisis counselor that one follow established procedures and check for intention, plan, means and timeline. Reaching out and talking to a person could save your life or someone else's its important that we all learn the signs of suicide.
May 31, 2019
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Write your feelings down. Cry if you want to, really helps. Think about what is making you feel this way. Is it worth it? It will be a new day tomorrow. This too will pass. I have been there it may seem like nothing will change no matter how much you think about it but it will. Go out, pick up a book, start reading or drawing or painting or whatever it is that you enjoy doing. It may seem mundane but sometimes we just need to do these mundane things to feel. Go outisde, feel the sun, feel the wind on your skin, look at the clouds and feel.
Jun 9, 2019
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I totally understand how it is to feel that way. To be suicidal and scared to tell someone. I was scared to tell anyone I knew in real, so I decided to talk to someone I met online. I tried a lot of apps and sites. It’s never good to keep it for yourself. The best way to help yourself, is talking about it. If you don’t want to tell anyone you know in real, talk to a random person. I downloaded a game where I could talk to someone. So whenever I felt depressed, sad or suicidal, I went on it and played and talked to people. So I could distract myself. I also knew people I met online months ago or even years ago. So I trusted them. I talked to them about my problems and they have been an incredible help. They were there for me and even tried to look for solutions. It helped me a lot when I talked about it, because I didn’t have to bottle up everything anymore. My advice is, talk about it. For real, just talk about it. Sometimes it feels good to talk about it with a total stranger. They don’t know you and can help you. You don’t need to feel ashamed. If you don’t want to talk about it with anyone at all, write it down. Keep a journal, write about it. Write about how you are feeling, what is causing it, etc. It helps, because you will feel relieved.
Jun 15, 2019
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If you don't want to tell anyone, at least try to think about anyone who you would affect if you were to suddenly disappear. Even those who don't think they are loved by anyone still have the capacity to be loved by someone.
Talking to strangers is easier than talking to people you know or people face-to-face because there is no prejudice when you start to tell them why you are feeling the way you are.
Keeping everything to ourselves is unhealthy, and even if we find it difficult, try and find ways to communicate with others - anyone - with how you are feeling.
Don't give up hope, the world may be a dark place, but there's always a light shining at the end of the metaphorical tunnel.
Jul 3, 2019
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Telling someone what is going on inside your head is one of the crucial factors to healing. If you isolate yourself and don't talk to people, your condition won't get better. Sometimes pouring your heart out is a step to feeling better. No it won't stop you from feeling the way you feel but that cry for help might make the person aware of your condition and well being. Let others help you. You wont make much difference if you isolate yourself, you will just make it worse. There is nothing bad in telling people how you feel .
Jul 10, 2019
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If you're feeling suicidal WITH A PLAN, it's strongly recommended that you contact The National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. If you aren't great with calls, there's the Crisis Text line at 741-741. Don't wait to receive help. You matter.
However, if you're experiencing suicidal thoughts, that's a different thing. once again, it's recommended you tell someone. It could turn into where you truly consider it. A parent, pastor, teacher, anyone. it's important. once you receive therapy, your therapist can take things from there.
Once again, again, if you feel suicidal with a plan, don't hesitate to get help. listeners can only do so much.
I hope you get the help you need
Jul 14, 2019
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If you are ever feeling suicidal, you should seek help right away. Suicide is a serious thing. Mental health is not talked about enough these days and it should be changed. You may feel that reaching out makes you seem weak, but trust me it only makes you stronger. Reaching out to an adult or therapist can be really helpful even if you are scared to do so. Yet doing so can completely change your perspective on life for the better. Please reach out to someone for help. I believe in you! I want you to get better :) !
Jul 19, 2019
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The first and the most important thing to do is to stay around people. NEVER BE ALONE IN SUCH A SITUATION. In fact, I'd suggest that you take some medicines to help you sleep so that you can fall asleep quickly at night and aren't left alone with your thoughts at night. Stay around people and have a general talk with them so as to divert yourself from the thoughts even if a bit. Also, sometimes it might be the case where you aren't comfortable with talking to someone you know about those thoughts. So you can talk to someone you don't know. A stranger who would actually care and help. There are many suicide helplines. You could talk to them and they will really help you. Do what you need to in order to keep yourself going. Because no matter what, those thoughts are not permanent and believe me when I say that for reasons related to experience. So just keep going for a while and leave it all up to time. Time heals everything. Even your mind. Do things that you love to do or that you 'loved' to do before and find new interests. Also, music does help. It really does help. But remember to not go with the flow of the music and then alienate yourself again. Pick your genres very cautiously if you're easily affected by art, be it any form of art.. music, acts, drawings.. whatever. Don't let it get to you no matter how much you may feel like you relate to it. Also, try to find new interests and new distractions. Reading helps too, but as I said, pick your genres carefully. Find humourous stuff and try to bring your apparently lost sense of humour appreciation back.
Do everything it takes to survive because remember, you're facing this because you're a fighter. Not everyone can do this as bravely as you are and trust me when I say that you're brave because you are here, seeking for answers to this question. You, sir/ma'am, are certainly too courageous and life will welcome you once you have been in and out through it, having gained a priceless experience.
Jul 31, 2019
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Although it can feel terrifying to reach out to someone about your suicidal feelings, I urge you to talk to someone. It doesn't have to be your parents if you're not comfortable with that, but could be an older sibling, a trusted teacher, a family friend, the important thing being that they are a trusted adult who you feel comfortable with. Alternatively, you can always call a suicide hotline. The reason that I really hope you do reach out to someone is because feeling suicidal is a heavy burden to bear by oneself and it only gets heavier with time. Often, even just telling someone about it can lessen that weight considerably. Telling someone will not make the feelings go away, but it will make you feel less alone and isolated. And hopefully the adult that you tell will be able to help you. A word of advice, though, if the first adult you tell does not react in the way you want and does not help you, then reach out to another trusted adult. Do not take their negative reaction personally, since suicide is a heavy topic and the individual may just not be psychologically equipped to help you. Please keep reaching out until you find the help you need.
Aug 1, 2019
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The first step it is to become aware of both the desire of committing suicide and the desire to hide this. Why do you want to commit suicide? Which are you reasons? What is making you want to hide this reality to yourself and others? And why? Can you nail this down and write it also down?
Now that you did this, how does it feels for you reading yourself?
If, for just a second, you would imagine to not be a person who wants to suicide, but instead a person who simply wants to build a better life, how would you pin-point the steps to get yourself out of a setting who transformed your desire to have a better life, into a desire to destroy your life?
Can you visualize your dream's life in this moment? How does that looks like? From this point on what do you believe you would realistically need to get there? And what, if I tell you that now all the things that didn't work before or had bad luck, would have a completely new chance to work as intended? How? Well, try it yourself!
Just by coming here, reading this, giving it space within yourself, you changed a fundamental setting of your inner workings. Now you nourished the skill in yourself to look at things from a new perspective and perceive ways through, through what for you was before an insurmountable obstacle.
Please, don't believe me, just try that yourself :)
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