What is the difference between sadness and depression?
Nov 2, 2015
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I think that depression has more of a numbness or emptiness to it, and sadness is more of a general feeling to it. When you're sad, you want to cry- And when you're depressed you feel more heavy and empty.
Nov 30, 2015
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Mood: a low intensity emotional state; is duration can be hours or even days.
An emotion last only seconds or hours.
Sadness can be an emotion or a mood, depression is a pathology; mainly the difference can be notice in: the duration and the intensity.
Depression is an often misunderstood disorder and people don't know how incapacitating can be.
If you suspect you are suffering from depression, you can do an online depression test , I recommend the "Beck's depression inventory", if you score very high I strongly recommend you seek some form of help.
If you want more information you can watch this video:
Dec 10, 2015
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Depression causes problems with regard to a person's functioning. And the symptoms of depression typically last at least two weeks or longer. And then Sadness is one the of the symptoms of depression, but with depression you have more than just sadness.
Dec 11, 2015
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Sadness is a normal human emotional whereas depression is a mental illness. Lots of people think they're depressed when having a sad spell
Dec 11, 2015
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In a word? Longevity. Sadness can certainly feel like depression, but it doesn't last nearly as long
Dec 11, 2015
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Sadness isn't persistent and can be turned around fairly easily than depression. with depression you have appetite changes and sleep pattern changes, you also stop enjoying things that you used to like before and feel extremely drained of energy and fatigued.
Dec 12, 2015
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As I see it, when you're sad; well you're sad. Feeling down, unhappy maybe you feel like crying. But when you're depressed you don't feel sad in the same way. Sure you might be sad but you can't feel it, in fact depression leaves you unable to feel emotions in some cases. You could say depression is an upgraded version of sadness.
Dec 12, 2015
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Depression is continuation of sadness that can't be lifted, like atlas carrying the weight of whole world.
Dec 12, 2015
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The difference between sadness and depression is that sadness is something that everyone experiences as a natural emotion, but depression is something which you feel down and sometimes you can't help it no matter if you have happy things in your life, it is to do with chemicals in the brain.
Dec 12, 2015
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Sadness is a short lasting normal emotional response to events, depression is more chronic and lasts much longer, and is much more debilitating. Depression makes you think things that aren't real, such as "I'm worthless" or "I will never get anywhere in life"