What is the difference between sadness and depression?
Jan 9, 2016
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Answer: There's a difference between depression and sadness. Depression causes problems with regard to a person's functioning. And the symptoms of depression typically last at least two weeks or longer. Sadness is one the of the symptoms of depression, but with depression you have more than just sadness.
Jan 9, 2016
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Sadness is only a part of depression, which is a disease or disorder of the mind. Depression includes sadness, of course, but it also includes difficulty becoming excited about things, anxiety, over-feeling (extreme sadness/anxiousness in normal social situations), and just feeling nothing sometimes. It is normal for humans to experience spells of sadness and depression in their lifetimes. It becomes a problem when it does not pass or get better on it's own, and that is when psychological help is recommended. If a saddening event has happened recently, give yourself a bit more time to overcome it before you chalk it up to depression!
Jan 9, 2016
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Depression is an abnormal emotional feeling,but sadness is a normal emotion sadness can be caused by hurtful time you could be experiencing but depression is a mental illness and were sad about everything
Jan 10, 2016
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The difference between sadness and depression is that depression is a reoccurring feeling of sadness.
Jan 10, 2016
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sadness is an emotion you feel when something doesn't go your way like getting fired your dog dies all common things to be sad about. However depression is like a sadness that doesn't go away it is a dark cloud that never goes away things that should make you happy don't sometimes people suffering from depression find themselves crying on a daily basis for no reason.
Jan 10, 2016
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Depression and sadness are two different things. Many people struggle with depression think they are merely sad. and many people who are extremely sad are worried they might be depressed. Because depression is associated with its symptom of extreme sadness.
Depression is a mental illness, depression is a serious condition that requires treatment. Sadness, on the other hand, is overreacting to a normative emotional state.
Sadness is a normal human emotion that we've all experienced it and we all will do so, again. It is triggered by a hurtful or disappointing event, or situation.
Depression is an abnormal emotional state, it is a mental illness. It affects our thinking, our emotions and our behaviors. giving myself as an instance, when I'm depressed, everything to me becomes sad. Everything is sad to me, I feel sad about everything.
Depression is losing interest in the things you once found very enjoyable and lovable. Depression is the lack of motivation and energy. It is the lack of tasting joy, pleasure, happiness, and anticipation. You get angry very quickly, frustrated very quickly, lack of concentration. Quicker to break down, easily. That's what depression is, and that's what sadness is.
Jan 13, 2016
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Sadness, much of the time, is a healthy reaction to certain events. It can be mild or overwhelming, but it is short lived. Sadness can grow into depression though - when that burning, sick feeling of sadness persists for so long, it's hard to imagine anything being good again. Your thought patterns change as well as your behavior, both of which further affect your mood.
It is no longer a healthy response - it's developed into a medical illness: depression.
Jan 13, 2016
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Sadness is when something bad happens and you get down and depression is more deep and contains more symptoms. Depressions usually lasts more than sadness and it's very noticeable.
Jan 14, 2016
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Imagine happiness like a blown tire. This blown tire is sadness. Now imagine a rim without a tire. That's depression.
Jan 14, 2016
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Sadness is temporary. Depression is prolonged. While sadness deals more with feelings of the heart; depression has a lot to do with a wandering unstable mind. One can overcome sadness by listening to a good peace of music or watching a baby laugh. Whereas, depression needs time to settle. Time heals sadness; Depression can cause serious consequences if not encountered soon.