What impact does/did depression have on your life?
78 Answers
Moderated by Danielle Johnson, MSED, Community mental Health Counseling, LMHC
Updated: Dec 30, 2019
Jun 14, 2015
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A very restrictive one, my depression never got to the point where it was dangerous for me but it definitely stopped me from doing what I wanted. I would never go out, I would never treat myself, I would never think I was good enough for a relationship, it stopped me being the person I wanted to be for many years.
Jun 18, 2015
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I have a close friend with depression. Actually I have more than one. All of them mean so much to me and they are all such special people who don't let their depression define them, its just apart of them.
Jun 23, 2015
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I lost a lot of interest in things i used to enjoy. I became negative all the time and sometimes i didn't want to wake up. I even stopped liking my best friend.
Aug 4, 2015
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Depression is impacting my life negatively. It took away my social life and making everything seem a lot harder than it actually is. I have no energy to do anything and it's made me very suicidal. I'm trying to change it though, by talking with my therapist and I'm going to try to get a new medication (because the one I'm taking now, doesn't help at all).
Aug 18, 2015
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At first it made my life harder, it took away my motivation for pretty much everything. Saying it was difficult would be the understatement of the century- however, I learned to control it rather than letting it control me. Now I'm learning to change the thoughts that used to put me through depression into thoughts that will help motivate me and push me towards a better tomorrow. When I think depressing things, I step outside of my thoughts and examine them with the 5 W's (who/what/where etc...) and it helps.
Sep 7, 2015
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It had a positive impact in the end, it made me wise up and stop pretending everything is all okay. I realized that i was faking my feelings to impress the world, i found out that i didn't have to do that. I grew up more in the course of that depression year than i had during 4 years of high school.
Sep 28, 2015
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I suffered from depression for over a year during school. It influenced my grades (I could do much better), my hobbies (I felt like doing nothing, so I just wasted my time) and my relationship with people I care(d) about - I had a difficult time with my family and I hurt and pushed away many people who cared about me.
Oct 27, 2015
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Depression was very hard on my life, I stopped caring about people and things, I kind of shut down. I felt like I was worthless and pathetic, and that I'd never go anywhere in life, I was so glad when I finally starting overcoming depression.
Nov 23, 2015
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Depressions is a huge impact on my life. My life felt like it was run by it. Like that black dog constantly by your side. I'm still going through it, but helping others is keeping me going. I hope that I will be able to manage it much better and I know reaching out to people can be of great benefit and that I am not alone :)
Dec 14, 2015
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depression effects my ability to socialize and to get out. It makes me feel tired all the time to a point where sometimes I can't even get out of bed for days. I can't eat, I can't talk to anyone. When my depression is only in mild form I can go get up and go to work and be around people and even put on a good pretend face but deep down inside I am numb and want to be alone in a dark place.