Nov 15, 2017 more
It feels like you want to die but you can't . It feels like you want to drown in a pound of your own tears . You want to cry but also don't want anyone to hear but at the same time also want everyone to hear . You look happy in the eyes of others but from inside you are burning . There's always that burning pain in your chest that you want to get rid of but also at the same time it is what helping you to tolerate . You hate looking weak and emotional in front of people but sometimes you can't just keep it in, you want to cry, you want to scream , you want scratch your skin off. The emotional pain is something that is unbearable. You don't know how to get out of it.
Jan 31, 2018 more
No one understands even the closest to you and the best of listeners. Forever fighting negative thoughts and critical voices putting you down making your face go bright red when you talk as all you can hear is negativit from your own head, feeling inadequate and simply not good enough ever,
Feb 20, 2018 more
Depression feels like you can't concentrate on other stuffs. Once you tried, you feel like its only you hands and eyes are cooperating. But you mind is somewhere else and your head is a little bit heavy.
Feb 11, 2019 more
I'm saying this with all love and respect as a person who has been through depression: read to enriches your understanding about the topic and if you could to help friend facing depression (do not worry if you can not), do not take these answers as suggestion to yourself. Depression is not cool, is not a trend to wear, and prevent it as early as you can.
In easy words, I remember depression feels like worst day repeatedly (everyday). Next time I try to recall, it was dying days; you would wish to stay asleep the moment you wake up because.. just can not. Recalling further is triggering me, other fighter can tell you.
Nowadays media started to give spotlight to mental health which is good to raise awareness. There are many articles, music, and campaign to remind all fighter they are not alone. They humbly admit they are fighters and they have the platform to raise the issue, so they did. To everyone who is a fan of these artists or ever know, please be smart to filter depression out of styles you are wearing. Depression is not a fashion. But you can extend the message to whom it may concern.
Jun 24, 2015 more
In a depression you have no motivation, no energy, no empathy and no real interest in the world around you. You may even have no positive feelings or thoughts at all. Anxiety will limit your life to just the necessary actions. You may try to avoid activities like leaving the house, going to school or work, taking the elevator or the bus, etc.
Jun 28, 2015 more
You feel stuck and paralyzed, leading to hopelessness. You feel this way because the depression and anxiety suck your energy and confidence. You feel worried, but too numb and fatigued to do anything about it, leading to more worry and pressure. Most of the time, you'll be stressed and dislike yourself and the world. It's deep sadness and fear together.
Jul 3, 2015 more
From personal experience, I know a lot about this subject. Having depression and anxiety at the same time is something extremely difficult. It's like worrying about everything (anxiety) and not caring about about anything (depression) at the same time
Jul 3, 2015 more
for every person it's different. but anxiety makes you over feel and panic over anything and sometimes everything. When to me depression does the opposite it makes you numb and you loose care for a lot of things.
Jul 4, 2015 more
In all honesty it can be absolutely brutal. I still have anxiety but it used to be a lot worse. I felt incompetent at times with my ability to meet new people and always being afraid of bugging them. Then I also felt lonely and betrayed from my parent's divorce making a very dangerous mixture. I eventually realized that it doesn't help me or anybody else to wallow in what I think is 'wrong' with myself. So I decided that I needed to change my attitude and build up my self-esteem that had been destroyed. It took time and wasn't easy, but after finally relying on my friends and doing countless 'small' exercises I believe I changed for the better. I still sometimes have problems with both; but I don't let it control me and immediately get the support and help I need.
Jul 4, 2015 more
Having depression and anxiety can feel like nothing can go right and the world is out to get you. But when you step back, you see that it is just emotions making you feel this way, and there are plenty of people waiting to help you if you just ask, many of which are feeling the same thing.
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