What do you do when you have no passion or drive?
Oct 22, 2020
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Almost every person on this planet has the capacity to be passionate and to have a drive, it is true that people have difficulties finding them and finding what is fitting for us as there is so much in life right now.
In my opinion, you must find that passion and goal to strive for, without it, you will either be depressed or you will have to learn to enjoy life without any attachments or connections or drive, but simply look at life without labels which is not easy to do, as we humans tend to get influenced by the outside quite a lot.
Oct 31, 2020
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First I back off a bit and ask myself "Could I be burned out?" Then I force myself to take a Break. I do self care activities, Like eating well and exercising. I make sure I get enough rest. I might take a walk to get out in nature or spend some time with my Horses and other animals. I might journal, take a shower and even do some cleaning and organizing of my living quarters (But only if I am up to it) I try not to push myself and stress myself out. I keep in touch with my Therapist and friends then if all else fails, I call my Doctor as my Meds may need to be adjusted.
Nov 8, 2020
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If you have no passion or no drive then at least try to discern what actions are "beneficial" for you. Find a way to accomplish these actions and use strict discipline to hold yourself to these tasks. This is only a temporary measure, you don't want to live on pure discipline alone. As you're accomplishing what you need to do, take a moment afterwards to reflect on the positive feelings of accomplishment. Note how you are capable of taking care of your business. This confidence in yourself will help you build back your self esteem.
Nov 14, 2020
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When you have no passion or drive, it's easy to no longer care about commitments and lose interest in things that are important. If it's possible, have someone who can hold you to commitments! It can be a family member, or a friend, or someone on here! Someone who can encourage you to keep working towards your goals, even when you don't have the drive to do it yourself. Especially when it comes to self-care: having someone to remind you to eat, drink water, get some rest, and exercise can help so much. When you have help doing the bare minimum, it can help you get to a state of mind where you're able to drive yourself.
Nov 19, 2020
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Firstly, I want to tell you that it’s okay not to have drive or passion yet. It’s not always something you wake up to thinking ‘oh this is what I want to do!’, nor is it something you can just grab a whole of out of nowhere.
I’d like to say it’s a little bit more cultivated. Sometimes, we might not know what exactly we want to do or what we feel about certain things and that’s completely okay. It takes a lot of time, a lot of self-awareness to know.
For instance, I was having so much trouble deciding on a career pathway. I felt so inferior to everyone around me because they all seemed to know what they want to do and how they are going to do it. Everyday I sat there, looking through so many online blogs to somehow ring a bell on me and tell me that’s what I want to do. Did that help? To a extent, yes. What actually helped me decide was when I actually stopped thinking and asking myself what i want to do and instead observed myself (and that’s really important, try not to force yourself) chose to do things. I’m not sure if that made a lot of sense but let me give you an example.
Let’s say I was cruising around the internet looking for people’s opinions on profitable careers that support your life long wellbeing. Instead, I switch to actually looking up volunteering opportunities that would allow me to feel, react and co-ordinate with actual situations. With so much exposure I come to notice so many things I avoided doing and for the things I did try, I knew to what extent i enjoyed being part of it. All that without my intention of actually looking for a reason to feel motivated or passionate about something. I just really enjoyed it and that’s when you know that’s the right thing for you.
The reason I talked about that was because finding your drive, motive or passion is something you slowly build up. Sometimes, your passion is a person, maybe your motivation is to see an elderly smile warmly at you or perhaps your drive was to one day see the world with your own eyes. It could be little very little things. It’s definitely there and it’ll take you to places. You wouldn’t know that yet. And you don’t need to. So don’t worrying about finding your passion or in your case, concluding that you don’t have one yet because there’s so much in the world left to be explored.
Best of wishes and I hope you find what you’re looking for!
Nov 23, 2020
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Losing motivation is so difficult. Personally, it leaves me in a big rut and as someone who is involved in so many different things, I can't afford to be in a rut. I will admit some days it is easier to talk myself into doing my work by simply remembering that I can't always be motivated but I can always be disciplined. To me this means that yes I may not be motivated 24/7 but I can at least do my best to work toward my goal. Even if my best that day isn't what it is other days. I realize that this may not always apply though. In days where it feels impossible to make myself do anything, I do two things: 1. I run through a checklist. Have I eaten? What about water? Have I been outside for some fresh air? If I answer no to any of these, I make it my first goal to do it. 2. What is the minimum I can do today? I try to live by no zero days but I also advise never pushing yourself. It's no longer your best at that point. I hope any of this helps and I wish you all the best
Nov 29, 2020
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I feel the same way where I had no idea of what I wanted to do with my life since none of the careers I knew interested me. I felt as though I had no passions or interests that made me excited about pursuing them and going further with those interests. I think rather than saying that you have no passions, maybe you have no passions yet! There are so many different activities and interesting things in the world, try to learn more about different things you can do and try to talk to other passionate people to see how they found their passion. Finding passions come easy for some, but it is a challenge for the rest of us, keep looking and you will find it!
Dec 5, 2020
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When I feel I have no passion or drive currently in life, I see out new things to try and experience that I have previously dismissed. Setting aside my previous expectations of how something might be and deciding to give it a fair chance to experience it. Sometimes my pre conceptions on how I thought something would be set me back from finding things I really actually enjoyed and liked. I used to dislike the idea of exercising in a gym, preferring to do any exercise at home. Being around others and thinking I would be judged for my performance gave me anxious feelings. However I found that was not the case and everyone is there just trying to better themselves and not focused on the people around them.
Dec 23, 2020
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Try to take a break and be kind to myself. It's unrealistic for me to expect that of myself 24/7: feeling passionate and driven. It's a part of the journey of life. How will we grown and learn if we don't know what it's not like to feel that way. I have various interests and I try to engage with one of them no matter how tough it feels. However, some days it's too tough so I have to let go on those days and let myself be. Self care is essential in those moments. I always get myself back up eventually.
Dec 27, 2020
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Take a "you" day. Sometimes when our passion and drive is gone its because we have neglected ourselves. You have nothing left to give if you don't take care of you. Fill your cup again. Do something you love to do. Do the things that spark joy. Do the things that make you remember why you were doing it to begin with. But sometimes when we feel burnt out or have no drive we have to step away from the thing all together. Maybe that thing wasn't what you were supposed to be doing this whole time and you need to change directions.