May 22, 2015 more
There are many causes of depression you can google it if you want but here's the three main reason: Biological, Psychological and Social
Jun 10, 2015 more
A person's outlook also can influence depression. Are you a glass-half-full or glass-half-empty kind of person? Do you get easily upset or do things roll off your back? The way that people think about (and react to) the events in their lives also can affect depression.
As if that's not confusing enough, sometimes there's just no obvious reason why some people get depressed. But their depression can still be very real and upsetting. Depression is a health condition that needs treatment, just like asthma or diabetes.
Jun 29, 2015 more
Depression can be either situational or biological. There are several factors such as outaide influences and our own body chemistry.
Jun 30, 2015 more
Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance within the brain. It's an issue with the seretonin within your brain. Depression can be triggered by major life events such as: bereavement, abuse, divorce etc. however it can also come out of nowhere with little or no warning.
Aug 18, 2015 more
There are many different factors that can cause depression. One for example is genetics. Another is stress or bulling. If you have gone through a tragic event that leaves you scarred (mentally.) There are many other factors too.
Oct 26, 2015 more
Things that happen in life that drastically alter someone forever. Depression can be caused by alot of reasons.
Jan 25, 2016 more
Negative feelings, being around negative people, the loss of a loved one or friend. A chemical imbalance within the brain.
Feb 15, 2016 more
Having a long stage of melancholy feelings/thoughts usually is the start of depression. There is a big difference between sadness and depression, and the way to tell them apart is discovered by the feelings you have. Major vs. minor tells you if you're just sad or actually depressed.
Feb 22, 2016 more
Many things can cause depression. Great changes in life, such as moving to another home, state, or country, or a break-up with a loved one can cause depression, but depression can also accumulate slowly over time through stress, tension, or even too much routine.
I've learned not to judge people based on why they're depressed. It can happen through almost anything, the triggers can be more or less severe depending on personal viewpoints, and besides, what causes it doesn't mean that the person is less valuable because the triggering cause seems minor to some.
Mar 1, 2016 more
There is no single cause of depression. You can develop it for different reasons and it has many different triggers.
For some, an upsetting or stressful life event – such as bereavement, divorce, illness, redundancy and job or money worries – can be the cause.
Often, different causes combine to trigger depression. For example, you may feel low after an illness and then experience a traumatic event, such as bereavement, which brings on depression.
People often talk about a "downward spiral" of events that leads to depression. For example, if your relationship with your partner breaks down, you're likely to feel low, so you stop seeing friends and family and you may start drinking more. All of this can make you feel even worse and trigger depression.
Some studies have also suggested you're more likely to get depression as you get older, and that it's more common if you live in difficult social and economic circumstances.