Someone help me please with depression. What do I do?
Jan 31, 2017 more
There's a lot of safe ways to cope with having depression. Art is a great and healthy way to express yourself: painting, dancing, drawings, writing poetry or music; the options are endless and you don't even have to be good! Another thing you can do is join a group of people. Life group at your local church, knitting circle, poetry slam, comedy club, just something to keep yourself from being isolated; because isolation is a silent killer. If you're self harming to cope or thinking of ending your life, PLEASE DONT, it's just a storm you have to wait out. It sounds cliche but it's something that will end eventually. Don't forget about all the people who love and care about you and how much they'd miss you. Even if you don't believe you have someone who'd miss you, I would because I know how depression can make you think like that. Stay strong, and don't isolate yourself
Nov 13, 2017 more
I would recommend that you first talk to a mental health professional to ascertain where you could be supported.
Feb 13, 2018 more
Dealing with depression and that too alone is not so easy. First think about the reasons which is making you feel depressed although you don't always need a reason to be depressed. Then talk to your closed ones about how you are feeling and you actually need help. It's better to visit a clinical psychologist with someone and get diagnosed and treated because depression is curable and no one deserves to go through such a rough punishment