I've been depressed my entire life, what is it like to not be depressed?
Nov 19, 2015
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You feel free, Weightless as though the weight has been lifted off of you. A second opinion is always a step in the right direction.
Nov 19, 2015
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Its just joy to know that you are blessed to see another day and its denied to alot of people. Take in nature take in all the beauty of life.
Nov 20, 2015
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To not be depressed means you are happy. Living your life free, enjoying things that you do, and being with people that you like. To not be depressed is to have a life which you enjoy and things that make you love living and being you.
Nov 21, 2015
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Life has it's highs and lows but being depressed makes you appreciate the highs much more than someone who was never depressed
Nov 21, 2015
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I have suffered depression and I have had my fair share of happy moments as well. When you are not depressed you feel positive energy around you, you have positive and constructive thoughts about making your life better. You love yourself, and the people around you. You also want to share your happiness with others and make others happy.
Nov 21, 2015
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Hi, well, you can practice some sport that you like, find a hobby that makes you better, and talking with someone that listen to you and principally, that this person help you to fell better.
Nov 25, 2015
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I don't know. I don't know. Do you have friends? Do you go out and do things? Do you look forward to anything?
Nov 25, 2015
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I knew that I no longer felt depression when I had an ability to feel pleasure. I had not realized how thoroughly depression had sucked joy from my life. For example:
- Being able to laugh at funny things whereas before I would just nod and think, "Yes, this is funny."
- Listening to music and wanting to dance.
- Enjoying social interaction instead of skipping straight to full throttle social anxiety. I'm still nervous sometimes but it doesn't blot out all of my enjoyment.
- Better orgasms. A normal sex drive. Feeling physically attracted to other people. I actually thought I had some deeply depressed homosexual urges but it turns out that depression squashed my sex drive to almost nothing.
Nov 26, 2015
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Everyone Gets Depressed, But To Not Be Depressed ? Its Relaxing But Being Depressed Is Normal FrFr
Nov 26, 2015
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To not be depressed; it feels like you are an amazing person.
You wake up and love yourself.
You wake up and look forward to the day.
You are proud of yourself.
You are glad to have you life.
You think life is just...