I've been depressed my entire life, what is it like to not be depressed?
Nov 5, 2015
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I wish I knew. There was a time in my life when everything seems wonderful, and then I had a bad experience. I didn't let that stop me for the longest time, but then it started to drain me. And that was truly upsetting. Not being depressed just feels lighter, you feel like you have less of a weight on you. You aren't necessarily walking on air, but you do feel as though there is less holding you down.
Nov 6, 2015
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A coupke years ago, I had a lot of family issues therefore leading to my self esteem dropping drastically and depression occuring. Now that I have overcome my depression, I am happy with my life and look forward to every next day! Stay hopeful :)
Nov 11, 2015
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It's a wonderful feeling, although I have gone through depression, I have noticed that I view life differently because of it. I appreciate the good times more now, because I understand how it felt to be the valley.
Nov 11, 2015
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To be honest its kinda easier than to be happy than depressed but deprssion is not something you can just snap your fingers and boom there its is gone
Nov 14, 2015
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Feeling happy most of the time, You can have days of but you're mostly in a good mood. Hanging around friends and listening to happy music can help.
Nov 15, 2015
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It's different for everyone. While depression can affect many people, there are methods, counseling, and medication that can help with the severity of your depression.
Nov 15, 2015
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Depression feels like a bad dream that you can't wake up from. It's an addiction that can eat you up slowly or completely consume you.
Nov 18, 2015
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It's. Experiencing the freedom that the world could never achieve. I think for myself, I can leaugh without it being forced out of me. I can be happy and look in the mirror and say "I have proven society wrong" Sadness just isn't something that I want dwelled in my life forever. But happiness, true happiness is this feeling that is so beautiful I can not describe it.
Nov 18, 2015
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From what I know about depression, it is very hard to imagine life without the debilitating aura that it casts upon people. However, as someone who has never had depression, I will do my best to relate an answer. I cannot say that I never experience sadness, nor that I am happy all the day long; however, I can say that the biggest difference is the amount of energy that I have. My aunt has struggled with depression, and many times will not want to participate in activities or do anything in general, without a lot of prompting from her immediate family. The biggest difference in her I have come to notice, is her lack of motive to become active. Life without depression does not mean life without sadness. That being said, it is easier for me to deal with said sadness when I take into consideration all of the blessings which grace my life. What is it like to not be depressed? Well it is a lot like knowing that you are walking through a rainstorm, but that there is good weather yet to come.
Nov 19, 2015
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It is like having good self-esteem throughout your whole life. It is also like no having anything to worry about as in not having this or that.