Is sadness relative, or is it a continuum? Can one person's sadness equal another's?
Aug 15, 2016 more
Everyone feels sadness. Even some people feel sadness without even having any reasons and no one's sadness is equal to others. We all feel sadness based on who we are? Sadness is at its highest when all the feelings buried deep inside comes out.
Dec 19, 2016 more
An interesting philosophical question. I would say that sadness is relative, in the sense that there is no real way to account for total sadness. Even if we say something like "I'm really sad today", this comes from an internal scale we all have, and our scale depends on ourselves alone.
May 8, 2017 more
Sadness is again a state of mind, which comes from a feeling of disappointment or not having achieved something, or such other reason. No one can equate one person's sadness with another's
Apr 22, 2019 more
That is a very good question and thank you for being brave to ask it. Sadness is a symptom as a result of an action or perceived action. Similarly, sadness is a syndrome of something like an imbalance in biology or a feeling as a result of illness or grief. We as people are born with innate abilities to feel and respond to our environment and social situations. With that, if we can adjust, change, or repair our environment or bodies if necessary we can lessen feelings of sadness. To answer your qeustion sadness can occur naturally and can also be controlled and because people feel innately then we all experience this emotion at times.