Is it normal to not want to get better?
595 Answers
Moderated by Smita Joshi, BA Psychology / MA / Advanced EFT Practitioner
Updated: Feb 19, 2023
Jan 22, 2021 more
Yes, that is normal, to some extent. You probably feel like that because you've been sad or hurt for so long that you're used to it by now, and may not believe that you CAN get better. However, if you're unwell, it's important to get treatment, almost especially if it's involving a mental illness. That being said, I would recommend seeking professional help from a psychologist or psychiatrist who can assist you with mental issues. Or, if you're not sure about counseling, then I would at least reach out to someone you trust and talk to them about how you feel.
Feb 5, 2021 more
It is human nature to resist change. It is normal to not want to change our state so in a sense, yes it is normal. It is human nature but it is definitely not healthy unless it the state we're in is something that is healthy emotionally and physically for us and has us content. Sometimes we're so used to pain that when we're suffering, even though it is bad, our mind wants to keep suffering simply because it is known. It is a state that we are very familiar with. This familiarity makes us not want to explore other options that are available to us. Adding that to a huge amount of work that is needed to help us get better, the mind chooses to suffer. This however can be changed. The process is hard but the path is simple. It is hard of course to put in the work to get ourselves up everyday and follow a routine/be disciplined enough to make our lives better, be it emotionally or physically but change happens as soon as we start. At first, it'll be hard but as we keep doing it over and over again, one day we'll find ourselves in a better place simply because we started.
Feb 11, 2021 more
I've had this thought cross my mind many, many times. I often wondered if there was something wrong with me because I don't want to get "better" and that there was a part of me that enjoyed being so miserable. After a little reading and meditation on the thought I think its more so of a new "comfort zone". At least in my own experience, when I was going through an extended hard time, eventually that place became my new normal. It was my new comfort zone being in that bad mental state. So I became uncomfortable being "happy" or stable. I spent so much time in that dark place that when life began to lighten up a little bit, it got a little disorienting mentally because I had become so used to being in that poor state of mind. So to answer your question, I wouldn't say its normal to not want to get better, but I do think not wanting to leave that "comfort zone" after being there a while is totally normal. I wish you the best and good luck on your journey.
Feb 18, 2021 more
Yes, I definitely think not wanting to get better or being stuck in that mind-set is completely normal. In my own experience, it is based off of fear and discomfort. Getting better means you have to put in the work to heal and grow, and that is difficult. Going to therapy or following your treatment plan/goals is difficult. There is always rain before a rainbow. Your journey is not linear, it is up and down and it is a bumpy road but the starting the healing process is worth it
Feb 21, 2021 more
It's normal for your brain and body to problem-solve stress in ways that don't look like progress. Everyone's timeline for feeling strong and restored is different, but you can get there! It makes a difference when you find small, subtle steps that feel approachable on your incremental journey towards sustainable wellness. This can include all sorts of short-term and long-term internal and external resourcing. It could be quick ways to vent frustration or shake loose despair, wherever you are, or identifying who you feel comfortable reaching out to for communication in moments of crisis or just regular old exhaustion.
Mar 4, 2021 more
Yes! I have felt that way before, and for many reasons. I’ve felt that possibly I would be a bad person, or just not the same if I my mental illnesses went away. I’ve also thought that if they go away, life would be harder. They give me reasons to get out of things, and I felt really bad about feeling that way at the time. It’s completely normal, and with certain mental illnesses, it’s probably that at work! You shouldn’t feel bad about it, and it is completely normal, I’ve known other people who have had these thoughts too!
Mar 7, 2021 more
Sometimes, we get used to the feeling of void and numbness that we become it. It might've been something you dreaded in the beginning, but its ends up being a part of you - which is alright and normal up to a point.
But you shouldn't get used to it,
The fact that you yourself recognize that there something so off with not wanting to get better is a start.
You getting better would mean a lot for people who are around you (which you wont even realize). So you cannot give up.
Pick yourself up.
You can do this.
Mar 14, 2021 more
Yes, it is. When I first found out I had depression I didn’t want to get better. I think it was because I thought I didn’t deserve it. If you think you don’t then I want you to know that you do and no matter what happens you always deserve a second chance. It happens to a lot of people. I understand that you might be scared or maybe something happened and because of that you think you don’t deserve it but you do and always will. Don’t give up, the fight isn’t over yet! I believe in you and it’s okay if you take your time. You got this :)
Mar 25, 2021 more
Absolutely. "Getting better" involves change (which many of us avoid), and more, can feel like becoming a different person. We feel like we know our past and present selves (though growing often involves learning more about who those people truly are). Our future self may feel like a stranger to us, with all the uncertainty that entails.
"Getting better" is often about growing skills, more effectively managing patterns, reactions, and choices. Skill-focused growth can help us become more fully ourselves, less disrupted by unintended or involuntary interruption.
It's normal to want to be who you are, and to want to be more fully who you are.
Apr 4, 2021 more
It is actually normal to not want to get better! First of all, your natural state has been one of unease and despair, and it's natural that you're comforted by this - it's what you've known for so long, and we stay in places we find familiar. Another reason you may wish to stay where you are might be the fear of relapsing after you're getting better; falling back into a dark hole once you're in the sun is definitely scary and frustrating, so wouldn't it be better to avoid the disappointment? Similarly, you may believe that you'll never be happy, no matter what you do, so why even attempt to get better? But through it all you have to remember that just like the rain always passes and the sun always comes out, so will your sadness pass and happiness emerge - if you allow it. At the same time you have to accept that nothing is permanent, and relapses are normal. Finally, you have to step outside of your comfort zone - because only after you leave this can you begin to grow :)
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