Is appetite loss common in depression?
Dec 22, 2015 more
Yes - very common. Try to eat at least an instant meal shake or bar during your rough times. These are easy, low effort ways to get at least the minimal nutrition you need. Also - be aware that if you are undernourished, it actually makes it easier for the depression to overpower you in your weakened state.
Jan 11, 2016 more
Loss of appetite is quite common in depression. Due to the loss of appetite the individual suffering from depression can grow weak or get into poor and faulty eating habits.
Mar 29, 2016 more
Yes. For some people it is. If you are facing severe weight loss, i suggest you seek help from a professional immediately.
Sep 12, 2016 more
yes, very. I didn't even care about eating and your body begins to notice. I don't know why it happens but its common in most cases. It's like eating is a blur and you'd rather not have your stomach full. Actually not eating cases you to become more depressed. It's like the depression is taking over your body and making you feel more miserable....interesing isn't it?
Sep 12, 2016 more
Yes! Many suffer an increased or decreased appetite when suffering from depression or it's aftermath
Sep 20, 2016 more
It's common for people to lose interest about a lot of things, including eating. It's just part of the process
Nov 14, 2016 more
A lot of the time, yes, but it depends on the person. Some eat more food to deal with it while others stop eating.
Nov 14, 2016 more
Yes, it can be a very common thing to deal with when you are depressed. I know when I was, I lost my appetite quite a lot. For some, it may be the opposite and they might binge eat, even when they are not hungry.
Nov 19, 2016 more
Yes, because scientifically, you lose your rightful amount of neurotransmitters, which causes behavioral issues. But eating less is also common because when you lose interest in other subjects, you begin to start caring less about vital parts of your life, like eating. Losing your appetite is simply you feeling not up to doing something, which is part of the unbalanced neurotransmitter situation. To help this, antidepressants are a great way to go, along with counseling and self help, since you know yourself the best.
Jan 15, 2019 more
In my experience, it is a very common symptom. The depressed feel like they can't do anything and neglect to take care of themselves, often going for weeks on end without eating. I have personally experienced this, going for a whole week and losing 15 pounds due to my depression.It is not healthy at all, and yet, is still and huge problem facing anyone with depression. Recently, a coworker confided in me that their medicine for their depression caused them to lose almost 20 pounds from not eating. Sometimes, it's not the depression that causes not eating, but the medications that are taken to try and overcome depression.