I'm dating someone with depression and anxiety. What to do?
Jun 5, 2016
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Tell them you love and care about them and will always be there for them if they need to talk to someone
Jun 8, 2016
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Be patient with them. They are no different then anyone else. The way their feelings affect them on an intensified scale is often not a choice. For if they had the choice they wouldn't be depressed or feel anxious, but they are human and sometimes these feelings can be inevitable in this crazy ride we call life. These things to not define who they are,they are great people! Just be honest with them and gentle for they are often fragile as well and like any other person they deserve kindess, love, understanding, and honesty.
Jun 8, 2016
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If you're dating someone with depression and anxiety you want to make sure you're around. Let them know that you mean you're there for them but also don't over do it. Be careful and make sure you have fun with them and remind them on how much they mean to you. All in all just make them feel the love they deserve.
Jun 8, 2016
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Well, every person is different, it's difficult to estimate reason of it. The only people who would know how to help her/him is you, family or his/her personal therapist. But in common knowledge you should approach this matter carefully without pressuring him/her too much, because it could be that him/her doesn't want to talk about it and make things even worse.
First steps would be:
1. To raise the question about it and how they are feeling about it.
2. What is causing it, like "Why are you afraid to talk large groups of people?
3. Try figuring out what actions to take and how to do it.
Jun 8, 2016
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Try to get them to open up to you. Talk about their feelings. Make sure they know that you are there for them.
Jun 9, 2016
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The best thing you can do is be there for them. Listen, and be kind and caring. Don't try to change or fix them!
Jun 9, 2016
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Treat them how you wish to be treated. Don't give them special treatment because this may make them feel alienated. If this person's depression and anxiety is putting a strain on your relationship, you may have to ask yourself if you're mentally strong enough for it to not affect you.
Jun 10, 2016
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If you really love them then try to help them. I'm sure they would appreciate you standing by them and comforting them
Jun 10, 2016
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Just try to be there for them try to get him/her some professional help try to make him/her calm made relaxed
Jun 10, 2016
Depression Expert
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Just like on 7 Cups, listening to her can be a powerful gesture that shows her you care! Listening will let you better understand what she's going through & make her feel a little better as well. Just ask her a couple questions that may get her to talk about it & go from there! Just remember to listen to everything she says with an open mind & open heart. :)