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Profile: zimpyro
zimpyro on Aug 3, 2015 more
Your friend can't sleep for weeks, haunted by the same depression, wondering what they could have done to help. Your parents haven't slept in weeks either, blaming themselves for your death. Your siblings lay restless, haunted by memories of you, searching for moments when they should have seen your pain, moments they could have stopped you from doing this. Think of all the loved ones who would blame themselves, wondering just what they could have done differently to save you.
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 9, 2015 more
No .....and I don't like anyone notice this .... I'm no one and I will be no one.....................
Profile: KuyaEthan
KuyaEthan on Jan 16, 2018 more
Yes. You might think that you don't matter in this world. But because of you someone has a favorite mug to drink their tea out of that you bought them. Someone listens to the radio and it reminds them of you. The people you greet and met will probably wonder where have you been. Someone who has remembered your jokes would smile. The person who used to express themselves to you will remember the good times. The quotes you shared in social medias probably motivated, encouraged, and felt appreciation on those days. Never think you don't have an impact in this world. Because the day you were born, that's when a CHANGE happens. Even the slightest move you do, it makes a change. Don't let your negative thoughts blind you from the kindness you've provided to people who needed it.
Profile: Dinah
Dinah on Dec 3, 2015 more
The answer is yes. It always is. There was this homeless man by my work who seemed to have no friends or family whatsoever. I never talked to him because I'm shy but he always greeted me when I passed by and I liked him a lot. I thought he was nice. Then I think he died. Or maybe he moved away I don't know. But people working in the stores around started asking about him a lot. I realized that this man was ''alone'' but he wasn't really. People noticed. And people would notice for you too. We never know who we touch. Please take care :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 27, 2015 more
I've wondered that before as well. And, the answer is yes. When I struggle with thinking this way, I try to think of each person or animal, etc. that I interacted with in the last week. Would any of them have noticed if I hadn't been there? I can always come up with one person/animal....even if that's the neighborhood cat I bent down to pet real quick or the cashier I told to have a nice day.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 26, 2015 more
I do not know you. I want to give you as honest an answer as possible, so I will simply quote one of the greatest leaders ever known. "It may not matter what you do, but it is very important that you do it anyway." -Gandhi. While you may think that you are worthless, and nothing you do actually matters, the effect it may have can be staggering. Never be afraid to go out there, and show the world who you are, even if you don't quite know yourself.
Profile: librabrandi89
librabrandi89 on May 8, 2015 more
More than you could ever know, love.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 18, 2015 more
Yes, If you left everyone would notice. You would be gone. They would feel bad for anything they had done. Everyone would miss you. Your parents would be destroyed. They may not show they love you but, trust me they do.
Profile: Aislinnn
Aislinnn on Apr 12, 2015 more
Yes. No matter what, people love you. I promise you've made a good impact in someone's life. Stay strong.
Profile: miraculousPiano89
miraculousPiano89 on May 20, 2015 more
Your ultimate goal in life is to find your purpose for living. You may have a hidden gift or talent that even you have not yet identified. Life is about exploration and adventure. Sometimes we fall and sometimes we soar. Every story is unique to the author who wrote it and if you were gone, you would be cheating a whole lot of people out of a really great life story.
Profile: scottwooten
scottwooten on Jul 7, 2015 more
If someone you knew was gone, would you notice? You are important to someone and never forget that.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 4, 2018 more
If you were gone, people that love you and can't be without you would notice. And they would be mad at themselves for making you go.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 23, 2016 more
Yes. The world might still be the same. Everyone will continue their lives. But what will happen to the people who truly love you? They're going to miss you and wonder everyday what they could've done to help you. You have a great future ahead don't do something that is going to end it all.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 8, 2018 more
Yes, so many people. Not only your family and friends, but your teachers, pets, leaders, even neighbors and store keepers. You are so much more loved and needed than you realize, so just stay strong. Hard times will pass, trust me.
Profile: KRN
KRN on Dec 14, 2015 more
You're loved by someone you don't know. Of course you'd be notice. Don't be a reason of sadness. That would be selfishness
Profile: demonhunterkaz2y5
demonhunterkaz2y5 on Dec 14, 2015 more
Of course someone would! You may not always see the people around you that care, and that's what depression does to you. It blinds you (metaphorically, of course) from seeing the people that truly care. But even if you can't see it, there's always someone there who cares about you and would notice and be hurt deeply by your absence.
Profile: banjoshoe
banjoshoe on Sep 11, 2017 more
Someone always notices。 You always matter to someone。 There is always someone who loves you and will be hurt if you disappeared。
Profile: smilejade
smilejade on Jul 13, 2015 more
Of course they would notice, you may not think that you are important but you really are. Everyone would miss you, that really hit home for me when I was experiencing the same thoughts and my mum found out, I suddenly realised that if I was to disappear that people would actually miss me. So yes, I think people would notice if you were gone.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 3, 2015 more
Yes! Sometimes we think things are going to last forever and nothing will ever be better, but things do get better and I bet there are tons of people that you don't even realize that would notice if you were gone.
Profile: Phoenix9
Phoenix9 on Jun 23, 2015 more
I have felt this way often in my life; thinking about the outcome really depressed me sometimes. Doing things that make a difference, in the world, can contribute to a better sense of well-being and accomplishment.
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