I think I'm depressed but I don't want to tell anyone?
Feb 14, 2016
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If you think you're depressed, and don't want anyone knowing yet, you should take an online test that doesn't diagnose you, but gives you a percentage that is based on your answers. This gives you your own opinion about your depression, without someone finding out.
Feb 12, 2016
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ive got depression ptsd and anxiety/panic attacks i didnt tell anyone for 18years of my life and when i finally did i could kick myself i didnt realise how understanding people can be... dont be scared of what people think theres so many people who suffer from it.. your not alone never forget that x
Feb 18, 2016
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You don't have to tell someone. That's your decision but tell someone you trust. If you want to keep your personal feelings to yourself, then do so. No one can force you to tell them. If you feel comfy keeping your emotions within, that's perfectly fine. You don't owe anyone an explanation for the way you feel.
Feb 17, 2016
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So what's the matter. Don't tell anyone .... problem over right ?
But you gotta know, you can't bottle it in forever.... the more you hide it down ... the harder its' gonne be to hold.... You'll have to burst apart one day .
I'd prefer it today ...
Feb 13, 2016
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I can imagine that you don't want to burden anyone else with your problems, you might even feel that nobody is able to help you so why tell anyone? But the truth is, that the helplessness is a symptom of depression and reaching out to people who understand about depression will be very helpful both in talking about is, not feeling alone with it, and maybe even some medication to help you over it. Don't be alone with this!
Feb 21, 2016
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That's completely normal. Whether that comes from doubt, embarrassment, anxiousness or worthlessness it's completely normal to not want to tell anyone about something so personal. It is up to you who you share it with and you don't have to share it at all. Just know that if you want it to end then you may have to share it with someone eventually, whether or not it is a listener on 7Cups, a friend, family member etc. just having someone you can trust to tell them something that is affecting you so badly is just so reassuring.
May 14, 2018
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I can understand why you wouldn't want to tell anyone. I was completely ashamed of being depressed. I refused to tell my parents (both of them are doctors and know more than enough about depression), because I thought they wouldn't understand. Sharing my struggles with friends was also off limits - I thought they would treat me differently if they knew.
It is important to know that people can surprise you. Give the people around you the opportunity to understand. If you don't share what you're going through with anyone, you will have to deal with it yourself and believe me - it takes a lot of strenght to get yourself out of that state of mind. Depression is nothing you should be ashamed of! Besides, telling people and speaking openly about mental health issues helps to fight the stigma.
Please, tell someone, anyone. A friend, a parent, a teacher, a doctor.. anyone. Let the people around you help you, don't fight on your own! Not everyone will understand, but there surely are people who care about you and will be willing to help you in this battle.
Feb 13, 2016
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People who you tell should want to help you. You could tell anybody who could help you, how about that?
Feb 13, 2016
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Depression is such a hard disease to suffer from because people have a big stigma attached to it. You have to view it like any physical illness. If you broke your arm or your appendix ruptured would you be embarressed to tell anyone? No! You'd get to a doctor ASAP and they would fix you without judgement. A psychiatrist won't judge you for having depression. They'll just treat the illness like any other Doctor. If your family looks down on you for having depression then that is because of their own personal stigma and that's an issue they need to work on themselves. If you can get to a psychiatrist on your own that is ideal but if you need your parents help then don't be afraid to ask for the help you need. It's worth the risk, I promise.
Feb 17, 2016
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It's absolutely understandable that you may not want to tell anyone that you're depressed. Many people with depression face that challenge, including myself.
A great way to start is on 7 cups because you get to talk either one-to-one with a trained listener completely confidentially and you can also join a group of multiple other people to open up to them or just have a friendly chat. It helps a lot more than you might imagine.
The best part of it all; you remain completely anonymous, so noone knows who you are and visa-versa, you can talk without worrying about what might come of it. Give it a go, it could go a long way for you, it has me. :)
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