I think I have depression and I want to tell my parents but my brother recently got diagnosed so I feel like they would think that I'm just trying to get attention. What do I do?
May 23, 2018
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Tell your parents, don't worry about it being a competition with your brother. Depression can run in a family, or it can come on for different reasons.
May 23, 2018
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try sitting your parents down and really just talk to them about how you feel, if they think it’s for attention then maybe they just really don’t understand what you’re also going through.
May 27, 2018
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That's great you care about what your parents may think, but eventually and you will know when it's time... You should let them know by expressing some of your thoughts and emotion you experience.
May 27, 2018
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I think it would be advisable to talk to your parents as they would be really unhappy to find out at a later date that you had felt like this and not known so not able to support you. Life can be hard at tunes and hopefully within a family it would be good to be able to trust and share. Only you know how this feels so if this doesn’t feel like the best option then and only then get some outside support.
Jun 1, 2018
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I think if you feel you need help, or even just want to talk about it with them, you should. If you explain to them how you're feeling, I'm sure they'll understand and be there for you. As for your brother, this may be an opportunity for bonding and growth, rather than the opposite, as weird as it sounds. Good luck :)
Jun 13, 2018
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That's a very difficult situation, but I might tell them that depression can be hereditary and that it makes sense if it runs in the family. They might understand that you feel better about revealing your depression now that your brother has it too, and you know you aren't alone. I thought my family wouldn't understand either, but they put aside any preconceived notions of it and listened to what I had to say, so I think your family might believe you if you tell them what's going on.
Jun 20, 2018
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I think it's important to discuss your concerns with your parents and ask to talk with a licensed therapist. Your feelings are no less valid just because your brother has depression.
Jun 22, 2018
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Be honest with how you are feeling. Nobody knows you like you do! If you really feel like you might have depression the best thing to do would be to let them know so you can get help as well!
Jun 23, 2018
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Depression is just like any other disease! Would you hide your stomach ache because others might think that you are doing it for attention? I assume that your answer would be no. So why hide your depression?
Jun 24, 2018
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Speak with your doctor anyway. If you leave it without talking to someone or trying to wait for the right time to talk to your parents, things could likely get worse.
Your doctor should help you try to cope with your low moods by way of talking therapies, referring you to peer support groups, etc. They should try different avenues first before offering anti-depressants. They only really mask the issues and you could become reliant on them rather than learning coping techniques.