I feel like it will never go away. Will it really?
Jan 14, 2016
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Humans are very habitual beings. As such, we easily "get used" to states of being or circumstances. Therefore, it might seem, as though a feeling or situation might never change at all, or at least we cannot imagine otherwise. While that might have sounded rather detached, what I was trying to say is: Don*t let dark times convince you that there is no light. Turn to friends and family for affection and let them remind you that whatever is hurting you now might seem insignificant or acceptable in the future.
Jan 17, 2016
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Yes it will go away. Everyone that is going through something is a temporary feeling. Have hope and fight through this and trust me you will see how strong you are.
Jan 23, 2016
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it will with time and the effort that you put into it going away. don't give up, keep trying. i believe in you
Jan 23, 2016
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It may just take time, while other ordeals a person comes across may take time, as well as counseling. There is no easy answer to this question since everyone deals with situations in life differently than others.
Jan 24, 2016
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It will.. It has too.. Nothing is permanent in this world.. everything is perishable.. be with the time as the hands of the clock moves it will ease everything
Jan 27, 2016
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You need to identify what it is as often it is a whole load of stuff all jumbled in together. When things are unto glad it is easy to see them and tackle them one at a time.
Jan 28, 2016
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Things may never go away completely but it will get better. Everything will heal with time and because easier to deal with everyday
Jan 29, 2016
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Time heals, it carries us away from the pain we feel today and helps us separate from those feelings
Jan 30, 2016
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it might feel like it wont go away for now-- and maybe even for a couple years... but it starts with your mind set. Choose to think positively, and get help for whatever your stuck in, and I believe what ever you're feeling will go away :)
Jan 30, 2016
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Anything can happen, you never know. Whatever it is it can be fixed and you can always get it to go away.