I decided not to kill myself. Now what?
Feb 9, 2017
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First of all deciding not to kill yourself is a huge success and you should be very proud! Are you speaking to a professional or have someone close to you that you can speak with? Life can definitely improve and our current situations are only temporary although unfortunately what caused you to feel suicidal in the first place still needs to be worked through to prevent those feelings from returning. If you would like to chat in private please feel free to message me when I am online :)
Feb 21, 2017
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Reach out for help, don't be afraid to face whatever is in your life situation. There's so much for you to do, to see, to learn. Please honor your presence and where you are now find your inner purpose and never give up.
Jul 10, 2017
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If you have suffered the depression and had a suicidal thought it is important to seek the help of a therapist. That kind of a help is not because something is wrong with you, but because we all need a push in life in the right direction. Some people are trained to give us that push.
Oct 24, 2017
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It sounds pretty simplistic but, you keep on living. You should figure out the problems in your life that need fixing and talk to people about it. Whether it is on this website or with other trusted people in your life, it's an important first step
Jan 8, 2018
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There are so many wonderful things you can do now! Say hi to friends or neighbors, watch a sunrise/sunset, listen to the birds outside chirp and watch the bugs crawl around. Get fresh air and go for a walk. Plan out an amazing future for yourself. Gorge on your favorite food and not regret it at all. Go back and look at all of the wonderful things you would have missed if you left earth early. Just don't give up, hard times pass and you will get through this.
May 7, 2018
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First of all, congratulations! It is an amazing step foreward and I am really proud of you :) Now, you should take care of yourself to the best of your possibilities and make sure you are always safe. It is normal to have downs sometimes, but hang on and keep fighting! Try new things, stick to your hobbies and keep your smile shining!
Jul 20, 2020
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Live and praise yourself for each day you're living.
Find a specialist to help you. If they don't work for you, keep looking for a new one.
Talk to a trusted person, if you have one. If you don't, then I repeat: find a specialist.
If both of these don't work, I suggest reading a book on depression or anxiety or other feelings you feel you're suffering from. Check your local library, there should be a few books avalaible.
Talk to people on this site. I recommend joining group chats, where you can talk to people at every hour.
Learning about your feelings and learning other people's experiences helps with dealing with these kinds of feelings.
Good luck. I wish you the best.