How to tell your boyfriend or girlfriend you have depression?
Mar 19, 2016 more
You sit down with them and make sure they completely understand what depression is and how you deal with it.
Mar 24, 2016 more
I would sit him or her down in a natural manner, express the emotions I have been experiencing, calmly, reassure my significant other that he/she and I will be okay, because developing a sense of happiness, purpose, and fulfillment is just a part of life; something we all go through. We all experience long to short periods of time in sadness and there is always an available solution for such times, as long as we are enlightened, and we are enlightened through proper care and help..
Mar 25, 2016 more
Tell him/her you are in a bad moment, and that his/her help will be essential for your improvement. That should be a good way for him to understand it.
Mar 25, 2016 more
Ask to talk to them. Tell them exactly how you feel, every last little bit. And if they are unsupportive, then they are not a good partner. Remember that it's normal for them to get upset or angry, or even blame themselves. Just stay strong and everything will work out.
Mar 26, 2016 more
Just talk to them openly. It'll be hard but not impossible. If you're in a serious relationship you should have trust in each other and even though it's hard to talk about it, with bringing it up you'll show that you trust him/her and hopefully he/she will give you support you deserve.
Mar 27, 2016 more
Just have them sit down and and tell them that you have depression (you could write them a letter, text, call, or meet in person). If they don't take it well and they treat you badly because of it, I suggest you leave them. Because them not accepting and helping you won't help you get better :)
Mar 31, 2016 more
you could come out and just tell them or you can get a best friend to tell them if you are not comfortable saying it.
Mar 31, 2016 more
Be honest with them, and just tell them what's been going on. They should be supportive and appreciative of your honesty and help you through it.
Mar 31, 2016 more
This question can only truly be answered by you. How do you want to approach it? How do you believe him/her will react? You are the only one who knows this person, I don't now this person so I cannot truly give you an answer that will ensure success. I hope I've helped you in anyway,
Apr 3, 2016 more
Approach them and tell them you wish to discuss something about yourself, preferably in private. Proceed to tell him about what's been troubling you, saying that you just thought that they should know or whatever reason you have for telling them.
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