How to tell someone you're depressed without saying it?
Oct 26, 2016 more
Tell them how you're feeling lately, and why you're feeling this way. It should help your listener to put together the pieces to help you.
Nov 2, 2016 more
Is there a reason for you not wanting to say it how it is? I've noticed people don't really understand how serious my situation is, without me spelling it out for them. They think you're 'just down', if you don't mention the word 'depressed'. Do you feel like you can talk to this about people in a safe environment?
Nov 18, 2016 more
Sometimes there is no way to let them know without using the exact words. You could try using words to substitute 'depressed' such as worried, anxious or feeling insecure. Or you could open the conversation to the topic, without explicitly saying it, by leaning towards their feelings, they may ask you about yours too.
Nov 23, 2016 more
Sometimes you can want to tell someone something, while a part of you is also afraid to say it. But it's not possible to tell someone something without saying it. If you're depressed, I advise you to tell people you can trust, even if it feels hard to do. If it's easier you could even write it down and give them a note instead of saying it out loud.
Nov 26, 2016 more
Depression is a serious issue and is not a illness to play around with. If telling someone about your struggles crosses your mind at least once than you might feel the need to express yourself because you feel like you couldn't deal with it on your own. If you ever feel like you might need some help before it gets worse, tell someone.
Dec 9, 2016 more
You tell them about how you're feeling at the moment, to tell them what's been bothering you from time to time. See if they can do anything to help, don't say you're depressed because then that person would think that you're lying or a wannabe emo. Just tell them how you feel and everything will be fine. I promise you that buddy
Jan 8, 2017 more
It's not always easy to tell someone how you feel, especially someone who doesn't understand. But you need to make yourself heard and understood. Instead of just jumping in and saying you're depressed, try saying something like "I really feel down lately. I could use your support right now". Or try "I really could use someone to talk to right now about how I've been feeling." Most people do not understand depression or its impact on a persons' life. Take things slow. Help them to understand. It's the first baby step you need. Communication is the very lifeblood of any relationship.
Feb 11, 2017 more
You could simply say "I am not happy and I have not been happy for quite sometime now what should I do?"
Feb 15, 2017 more
For me, it's when I stop talking to them. Not because I want to, I just isolate myself when I get depressed.
Feb 16, 2017 more
Sometimes it's obvious through body language, movements, conversation etc. if you don't want to tell people that's fine however they may think you're off with them personally and take this to heart.
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