How to tell someone you're depressed without saying it?
May 14, 2016 more
I would say that you have been feeling extremely sad recently, and that you would like to seek help about it, I recently did this and it works
May 21, 2016 more
If they are close. You don't need to use "taboo" just pull the person aside at a calm moment. And tell them you need to tell them something. And go for it.
May 22, 2016 more
Sometimeswe need to get these things out in the open if we want to continue a healthy relationship with those around us that wee care deeply about so we can all understand eachother
May 25, 2016 more
It depends on who you are telling. Family say something like you may notice that i may not want to talk or be around i don't have the energy to because my mood is down. Friend say something like i may not want not to go out frequently because i dont have enough energy. A mental health professional or doctor just tell them that you are depressed so that they can get you the proper treatment. Most importantly dont beat around the bus the more you do that the worse it will seem when you tell them.
May 25, 2016 more
I've been having a really bad time for a long time now, nothing seems to go may way. Everything seem to suck. For me it's always raining. Life is out to get me. I don't know how to be happy ever again.
May 25, 2016 more
Write to them; send them a text; draw a picture of how you feel inside. Show them by being unafraid to cry in front of them and unafraid to show your emotions. But people cant read your mind. You may have to say the words if you want true help
Jul 11, 2016 more
You can start a conversation and wiggle in a sentence about you saying "oh i have been/feeling (say some symptoms of depression)" and hope the get the hint.
Aug 2, 2016 more
Don't straight up ask someone 'are you depressed'. You should try to get them to tell you their depressed, 'are you okay?' 'You don't seem so chirpy today, what's wrong?'
Aug 8, 2016 more
her I'm sorry, I'm broken, I can say I hurt myself. I hope you will understand me. I tell you what my feeling is.
Sep 15, 2016 more
Tell someone you feel like a certain movie/tv/game character. Like, "I feel like Cinderella because all this house work and loneliness makes me unhappy."